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fantasticadj: extremely good; excellent
bugn: any tiny insect; a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
entirelyadv: completely
techniquen: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
shockingadj: extremely or surprisingly bad, or causing a strong emotional response such as surprise or disgust
automatedadj: carried out by machines or computers to replace or decrease human labor
externaladj: belonging to or situated outside of someone or something
defibrillatorn: a medical device that delivers an electric shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest or other serious heart conditions
devicen: a piece of equipment, tool, or technology that serves a particular purpose or function, often mechanical or electronic
cardiacadj: of or relating to the heart or heart disease
arrestv: to take into custody
shockn: a strong feeling or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or experience, especially something unpleasant
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
rhythmn: a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that are used in music, poetry, and dancing
referv: to direct someone’s attention, thoughts, or questions to another source or person; to mention, cite, or allude to something as evidence or support
heartyadj: characterized by vigor, strength, or robustness; showing warmth or enthusiasm of feeling; large and filling (referring to a meal or portions of food)
blamev: to think or say that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad
empiren: a group of countries ruled by one leader or government
drasticadj: radical and extreme; likely to have a significant or far-reaching impact
survivaln: the state of continuing to exist or live, frequently in the face of difficulty or danger
troopn: a group of soldiers, especially a large one; a group of people, animals, or things considered as a unit.
toastn: slices of bread browned on both sides that have been put near a high heat; a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or even
regardlessadv: not paying attention or considering something or someone even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties
outfitn: a set of clothing worn together, typically for a particular occasion or activity; any cohesive unit such as a company, military, etc.
straightadj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
appendagen: a part attached to the main body or structure, often with a specific function or purpose; a limb or other body part that projects outward from the main body
accidentallyadv: by chance or without planning
tentaclen: a flexible, mobile, and long arm-like organ used for feeling and holding things, catching food, or moving
inadvertentlyadv: unintentionally; accidentally; without purpose or deliberate intent
suddenlyadv: quickly and unexpectedly
kitn: a set of tools, supplies, or equipment for a particular purpose
razorn: a sharp blade used for shaving or cutting hair
shavev: to remove body hair with a razor; to cut the price of something
arcn: the shape of a portion of a circle or other curved line
emperorn: the male ruler of an empire
electrifyv: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something
wooln: a textile fiber obtained from the fleece of sheep or certain other animals, used for making clothing and other fabric items
immortaladj: having eternal or never-ending life; living forever; incapable of dying; having enduring fame or lasting significance
panicn: a sudden strong feeling of fear that cannot be controlled and prevents reasonable thought and action
bikinin: a women’s two-piece swimsuit characterized by a top that covers the chest and a bottom that covers the groin and buttocks
unfortunatelyadv: by bad luck; unluckily
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
bran: a woman’s undergarment designed to support the breasts
severeadj: extremely serious or bad in feeling, manner, or strict and harsh; extremely strong or vigorous
controversialadj: causing a lot of hot public discussion and dispute
prequeln: a literary, film, or dramatic work that is produced or released after a previously released work but is set earlier in the chronological order of events, providing background or context to the original work
mereadj: used to emphasize how insignificant or minor someone or something is
mentionv: to speak or write about something or someone briefly
nipplen: the dark part of the skin which sticks out from the breast of a mammal and from which milk can be secreted
tizzyn: a state of extreme agitation, excitement, or confusion; a frenzied or flustered condition
chantn: a simple melody or tune, typically one that is repeated or sung in a monotonous way; (verb) recite with musical intonation
placementn: the act or process of putting something in a particular position or location; a temporary position or job in an organization
compressionn: the act or process of pressing or squeezing something together, often using force or pressure; (of physics) the reduction of volume or increase in pressure of a gas or fluid
preferv: to like, choose, or want one thing or person better than another
breathn: the air that is taken into and expelled from your lungs; the process of taking into and expelling air from your lungs
imperialadj: relating to or associated with an empire or the person or country that rules it
interrogatev: to examine someone with questions over a lengthy period, especially in an aggressive manner
androidn: a robot with a human appearance; (operating system) Google’s mobile operating system
clarifyv: to make something, such as a statement or situation, less confusing and more understandable
universen: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy