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greetv: to say hello to someone; to express welcome on meeting someone
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
irritatev: to annoy, provoke, or cause resentment or anger in someone; to inflame or make sore
sinkv: to submerge or go down below the surface of a liquid or substance; to decline or deteriorate; to cause something to go down into a liquid substance or sink into something else
rankn: a position in a hierarchy of status or authority; (verb) to take or have a position relative to others
immigrantn: a person who has come to a country where they were not born to live there permanently
revolutionn: a large-scale attempt to overthrow the government of a country, often using violence or war;
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
acuteadj: extremely sharp or severe
fragileadj: delicate or easily broken or damaged
inheritancen: the money, property, etc., that someone gives you when they die; (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from ancestors
preachv: to deliver a religious or moral message to an audience
democracyn: a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so
illusionn: a false idea or belief, especially about somebody or about a situation
doubtn: a feeling of being uncertain about something, especially about how good or accurate it is
autocratn: a ruler with complete power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force
demagoguen: a political leader who gains power and popularity by appealing to people’s emotions, prejudices, and biases, often by making false and misleading claims
emboldenv: to give courage or confidence to someone; to make someone feel brave or empowered; to strengthen or reinforce a position or belief
cockyadj: overly confident or arrogant; having an excessive belief in one’s abilities or importance
leadershipn: the ability, act, or status of leading a group of people or an organization
optimisticadj: hoping or expecting that good thing will happen or something will be successful
optimismn: a feeling or the belief that good things will happen, or the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the positive aspects of a situation
spectatorn: someone present at an event, such as a sports game, play, or concert, to watch or observe it
implyv: to indicate the truth or existence of something without referring to it
outcomen: the result or effect of an action, event, etc.
faithn: complete trust in something or someone’s ability or knowledge; a strong belief in religion, divine power, etc.
charismaticadj: having a strong and magnetic personality that attracts and influences others
saviorn: a person who rescues a people from harm or danger; (in Christianity) Jesus Christ who is a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth
moraladj: concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong, fairness, honesty, etc.
awakenv: to stop sleeping or to cause someone to stop sleeping
certaintyn: the state of being certain
collapsev: to fall down or give way suddenly, often after breaking apart
civicadj: of or relating to a town, city, or the people who live in it
religionn: a deep conviction in a supernatural power that controls human destiny
definev: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something
governv: to legally control and direct a country, city, group of people, etc. and be responsible for introducing new laws, organizing and maintaining public services
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
referv: to direct someone’s attention, thoughts, or questions to another source or person; to mention, cite, or allude to something as evidence or support
passportn: an official document issued by a government used to verify the identity and nationality of a person for international travel
broadadj: very wide; general
ethicsn: a branch of philosophy that considers what is morally right and wrong conduct; a set of beliefs about what is morally right and wrong
conceptionn: a general idea or belief of what something or someone is like or should be; an understanding of a situation or a principle
contributorn: a person or thing that adds to the achievement, production, or growth of something (such as a project, organization, or publication); a donor or benefactor
poeticadj: of or relating to poetry (= a piece of writing that emphasizes the expression of feelings and ideas); using language in an imaginative and expressive way
licensen: an official permission or authorization to do, use, or own something; a legal document that grants the holder the right to perform certain activities, such as driving a car, practicing a profession, or using a particular product or service
gamblev: to take risky action in the hope of being successful; to play or game for money or other stakes
miraclen: an act or occurrence that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore believed to be caused by God
legitimacyn: the state or quality of being allowed and acceptable under the law; the state or quality of being founded on a reasonable or acceptable reason
framen: a strong border or structure of the wood, metal, etc. that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or window
constitutionaladj: of or relating to a constitution (= the set of fundamental principles), especially of a country or government; existing as an essential characteristic
spiritn: the part of a person which is the seat of their mind, feelings, and character rather than their physical body; the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
sacredadj: connected with religion or religious purposes; worthy of respect or dedication because of a connection with a god
creedn: a system of beliefs or principles
deedn: something that people do or cause to happen; a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it
ritualn: any customary observance or practice; any prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies
rollv: to move in a particular direction by turning over and over or from side to side
hallowedadj: considered holy or sacred; deserving of reverence or respect
abolitionn: the act of formally ending a system, practice, or institution, especially one that is considered unjust or harmful
suffragen: the right to vote in political elections; the exercise of voting rights or the process of obtaining them
movementn: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively
alliedadj: united or connected by a political or military agreement
worshipv: to have or show a strong feeling of profound respect and admiration for a religious entity such as God or a god
obedientadj: willing to do what someone in authority tells you to do
commitmentn: a promise or firm decision to do something or to behave in a certain way
divinityn: the state or quality of being divine; the state of being a god or goddess; the study of religious beliefs and practices
supernaturaladj: of or relating to existence outside the natural world; not able to be explained by natural laws
alikeadv: similar or identical in nature or appearance
cultn: a small religious group, especially one that is not part of a larger religion and that is regarded as outside the norm; followers of an exclusive system of beliefs and practices
relaxv: to become or cause someone to become less active or tense and calmer
cosmologyn: the scientific study of the nature and origin of the universe
transcendentadj: going beyond the limits of ordinary experience or knowledge; surpassing the usual or expected; exalted or sublime
hummingadj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee
devoutadj: deeply committed to a specific religious faith or practice, often showing great reverence or piety
prayv: to make a request or petition to a higher power, especially in the form of a respectful or humble request
yogan: a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, which is widely practiced for health and relaxation
premieradj: first in importance, order, or position; leading
leaguen: an association of sports teams who compete against each other; an obsolete unit of distance of variable length, equal to about 3 miles or 4,000 meters
knitv: to make a garment or fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles or a machine
absencen: the fact or condition of being away from a place where they are typically anticipated to be
renouncev: to formally declare one’s abandonment or rejection of something, especially a belief, claim, or right; to give up or relinquish a particular status, title, or position
topicn: a subject that is being discussed or written about
arcn: the shape of a portion of a circle or other curved line
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
poetryn: poems in general as a genre of literature
scripturen: the sacred writings of a particular religion or belief system, often regarded as authoritative and containing moral or spiritual teachings
sermonn: a speech or lecture given by a religious leader, especially a minister or priest, as part of a worship service
controversyn: a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval
churchn: a building or institution dedicated to religious worship or activities; a Christian religious organization or denomination
synagoguen: a Jewish house of worship, typically consisting of a hall for prayer and study and often containing a sanctuary, a social hall, and a collection of administrative offices
mosquen: a Muslim place of worship that usually has a minaret (= slender tower with balconies)
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
contestn: a competition in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity; a struggle between rivals
afterwardadv: after the time mentioned
rallyv: a public meeting of a group of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
registryn: an official list or record that contains details of people, objects, or events; a computer system that stores and manages data about something; the act or process of registering something, such as an event, a person, or an object
votern: a person who votes or has a legal right to vote in a political election
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
continentn: one of the earth’s large landmasses; (adjective) abstaining from your feelings, especially your desire to have sex
attendv: to be present at an event, to go to a place
coworkern: a person who works with another in the same company or organization
festiveadj: relating to or characteristic of a festival or celebration; joyful, lively, and colorful
technologicaladj: based on scientific and industrial progress
yearnv: to strongly desire or long for something
fellowshipn: an association of people who share common interests or goals, typically involving research, study, or a specific profession
invitev: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
homelessadj: without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets
violentadj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something
gentrifyv: to renovate, revitalize, or develop a deteriorated, predominantly urban area, often leading to the displacement of low-income or minority residents and the influx of more affluent residents and businesses
trafficn: the movement of vehicles, people, or goods along a route or through a transport system; the amount of such movement in a particular place or at a particular time
mistrustv: to have doubts or suspicions about the honesty or sincerity of someone
fakeadj: not genuine; fraudulent or counterfeit
aggregationn: a collection or assembly of things or individuals; the act of bringing things or individuals together
omissionn: the act of leaving out, neglecting, or failing to include or mention something or someone; a failure to do something that is expected or required
citizenshipn: the status of being a member of a particular country
cravev: to have a strong desire for something; to long for or want intensely
invitationn: a spoken or written request to participate or be present or take part in something
seminaryn: an educational institution, typically for the training of candidates for the priesthood or ministry; a school for higher learning
feistyadj: full of energy or courage, often in the face of opposition or challenge; lively or spunky in temperament
choirn: a group of singers, especially one that sings in a church or cathedral
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
gangn: a group of people who organize and engage in criminal activity
photographn: a picture or image that is produced by a camera; a visual representation or record of a person, object, or scene that has been captured electronically or on film
conservationistn: a person who advocates or acts to protect and preserve the environment and wildlife
bannern: a long strip of cloth or paper bearing a symbol, logo, slogan, or another message, especially carried in a demonstration or procession or hung in a public place; a form of the online advertisement appearing on a web page
seminarn: a group meeting or class for discussion, teaching, or training on a particular subject
dogmaticadj: characterized by strong and unwavering opinions or beliefs that are often expressed with force and without consideration for alternative viewpoints or evidence
righteousadj: morally correct and just; virtuous and morally upright
assumev: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance
fanaticaladj: characterized by extreme or excessive devotion or enthusiasm; marked by a relentless, sometimes irrational, dedication or zeal
fundamentalistn: a person who adheres strictly to the basic principles of any subject or discipline
discernv: to see, perceive, or understand something that is not obvious
embracev: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection
detachv: to separate or disjoin something from something else; to disengage
individualismn: the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
marketplacen: a physical or virtual venue where goods or services are bought and sold; an economic system that facilitates exchange between buyers and sellers
brandn: a type of product, service, etc., made by a particular company and sold under a specific name; identification mark on the skin of livestock, criminals, etc., made by burning
hustlev: to cause someone to move quickly by pushing them in a rough, aggressive way
insurev: to provide coverage in the event of loss or damage
liberalismn: a political ideology or philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom, democracy, and equality
beholdv: to look at and observe with attention
enslavev: to make someone a slave; to deprive someone of their freedom of choice or action
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
isolationn: the condition of being alone or lonely; the act or state of separation between persons or groups
consumerismn: a cultural and economic ideology that places a high value on the consumption and acquisition of goods and services, often associating personal identity or success with material possessions
anxietyn: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something that is happening or might happen in the future
conn: an argument opposed to a proposal; a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property; (verb) to be against or opposed to something
free-for-alln: a chaotic or uncontrolled situation in which everyone can do as they like without any rules or restrictions; an unregulated or uninhibited competition or fight in which everyone can participate
boundv: to move forward by leaps and bounds; to form the boundary of something
mutualadj: common to or shared by two or more parties
aidn: things sent to help countries in need, notably food or money; support
obligationn: the state of being morally or legally bound to do or pay something
entwinev: to twist or interlace two or more things or objects together; to interweave or interconnect in a complex way; to become deeply involved or entangled with another person or group
bindv: to tie or fasten someone or something tightly with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together strongly
liberatev: to set free; to release or rescue from captivity or oppression
revn: a measure of the rate at which an engine or motor rotates, often expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM); (verb) to increase the number of rotations per minute
dignityn: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; high office or rank or station
propn: a piece of wood, metal, etc., placed beneath or against something to support it or keep it in position; a system, institution, or person that gives help or support to someone or something
identityn: the fact of being who or what somebody or something is; the features, emotions, or ideas that distinguish persons from one another
strugglev: to make a great effort to do something when it is difficult, or there are a lot of problems; to use force or violence to break away from restraint or constriction
belongv: to be the property of someone or something; to be a member or part of a group; to be in the proper or appropriate place
noxiousadj: harmful or poisonous to living beings; having an unpleasant or offensive smell or taste; causing intense or unpleasant emotions or feelings
mythn: an ancient story or set of stories accepted as history, especially explaining the worldview of a people
soiln: the top layer of Earth in which plants grow
universaladj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone
contributionn: the act of giving something, especially money, to a particular cause or organization; a voluntary gift as of money or service or ideas made to some worthwhile cause
participatev: to take part in something
inclusiveadj: including much or everything, and especially including stated limits; not excluding any of the people, things, ideas, etc. involved in something
volunteern: a person who performs or offers to perform a job or service without being paid for or forced to do
empathyn: the ability to share another person’s feelings or experiences by imagining that person’s situation
arguev: to express differing opinions or points of view, often in a heated or contentious manner; to present a case or reasoning to persuade or convince others
circulatev: to move continuously or freely around a place or closed system
hoardv: to collect money, valuables, etc., for future use secretly; (noun) a secret store or collection of money, valuables, etc., for future use
judgen: a person who makes decisions in a court of law; (verb) to determine the result of or form a critical opinion of something
harshadj: severe and unkind; extremely tough and unpleasant to inhabit
distinctiveadj: having a quality or characteristic that makes it stand out from others
relatev: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something
slangn: informal or non-standard language that is often used within a specific group or culture and may not be considered appropriate in a professional or formal context
overzealousadj: excessive or overly enthusiastic in one’s zeal or devotion to a cause or belief
generationn: all the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively; the production of heat or electricity
kindlev: to start a fire; to light
bondn: a close emotional connection between two or more people; a certificate of debt that a government or corporation issues to raise money
jointadj: shared, held, or made between two or more people; (noun) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton
fosterv: to promoto growth; to take care of another person’s child, usually for a limited time, without becoming their legal parents
belovedadj: loved very much
thrivev: to grow vigorously; to make steady progress
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
storytellingn: the act or art of narrating or writing stories
promotev: to encourage or persuade people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank
confirmationn: a statement, often written, that shows that something is true, correct, or definite
traditionn: a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has been passed down from generation to generation within a group or society
culminatev: to reach a peak or climax
riten: a formal or ceremonial act or set of acts performed in a traditional or prescribed way; a religious or spiritual ceremony or practice
ceremonyn: a formal event or ritual, often religious or solemn
akinadj: similar or related in nature, character, or origin
virtuen: high moral standards in behavior or attitudes
autobiographyn: a written account of someone’s own life, written by that person
gratituden: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
forgivenessn: the act of stopping feeling angry or resentful towards someone for a mistake or offense with compassion
remedyn: a successful way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation or curing an illness
radicaladj: relating to the essential aspects of anything; far beyond the norm, mainly used of opinions and actions
inequityn: a lack of fairness or justice; an unfair or unequal situation or practice
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
corruptibleadj: capable of being made to do something dishonest or immoral
institutionalizev: to establish or make something a part of an institution (= a place such as a university, hospital, etc.)
institutionaladj: of, in, or relating to a large important organization, such as a university or bank; organized as or forming part of the standard systems, practices, etc.
reformn: the act of improving or correcting something that is wrong or bad; a change made to correct a flaw or problem
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
upstreamadj: in the direction against a stream’s current; (adverb) toward the source or beginning of a stream, river, or process
policyn: a set of rules, guidelines, principles, or procedures that govern decision-making or action, often used in the context of business or government; a course of action or plan of action adopted or followed by an organization or individual to achieve a goal or objective
pollutev: to make an area or substance, such as land, air, water, etc., dirty or harmful to living things by adding waste matter or harmful chemicals
downstreamadv: in the direction that a stream or river flows; (adjective) in the direction of a stream’s current
prosocialadj: characterized by behavior that benefits others or society as a whole, often with little or no personal benefit or reward
structuren: the way of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, or a complex thing constructed of many parts
burdenn: a duty, responsibility, etc. that is oppressive or worrisome; a load, typically a heavy one that is difficult to carry
blessingn: a gift or favor from a higher power or force; an act or expression of approval, encouragement, or gratitude; something that brings happiness or good fortune