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archaeologyn: the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures
syntheticadj: made by combining chemical substances as opposed to being naturally occurring
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
petn: an animal that you have at home as a companion and treated kindly
proteinn: a molecule made up of a long chain of amino acids, which is essential for the structure and function of the body’s tissues
geneticadj: of or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) or the science of genes
visionn: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see
studion: a room or building where creative or artistic work is produced; a television or radio production company
constantlyadv: all the time
murmurv: to say something very quietly; to complain about somebody or something under one’s breath
tracev: to find or discover someone or something that was lost
threadn: a fine cord of natural or synthetic fibers or filaments, such as cotton or nylon, used in sewing, knitting, or weaving; a series of connected messages or comments on a social media platform or online forum, often related to a particular topic; a sequence or line of events, ideas, or actions that are connected or related; (verb) to pass a thread through a needle or other small opening, in preparation for sewing or stitching
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge
prototypen: a first or preliminary example of something such as a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed
aspectn: one part or feature of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
concreteadj: existing in a physical or material form rather than an abstract one; based on facts rather than ideas or guesses; made of or covered with cement
tangibleadj: real and concrete; able to be perceived, especially able to be touched; (of business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
predictionn: the act of predicting the future by reasoning; a statement made about the future
participatev: to take part in something
dronen: a low continuous humming noise; someone who takes more time than necessary; a pilot-less aerial vehicle that is operated by remote control
aviaryn: a large enclosure or building where birds are kept, often for observation, breeding, or conservation purposes; a place where an assortment of birds are housed and cared for
autonomyn: the right of an organization, country, or region to govern itself independently
crucialadj: extremely vital or necessary
functionn: the purpose or use of an object, system, or process; a particular activity or operation that is designed to serve a specific purpose; a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two sets of values, called the input and output sets; (verb) to operate or work in a specific way, or to perform a particular task or purpose
difficultyn: a condition or state that causes problems
looseadj: not securely fixed or fastened in place or able to be detached or separated from something
glitchn: a minor problem or malfunction, especially in a computer program, system, or machine
constructv: to build or create something; to assemble or combine different parts to form something whole
slicen: a flat, often thin, piece of bread, meat, cheese, etc., that has been cut from a larger piece; a wound made by cutting
patroln: the act of guarding an area or conducting surveillance of an area to maintain order, perform security functions, or prevent crime; a group of officers or soldiers that conducts such an operation
spotn: a particular location or place; a small round or roundish area, differing in color or feels from the surface around it
initiallyadv: at the beginning; at first
annoyv: to make someone angry, anxious, or irritating slightly
dulladj: not interesting or exciting; not bright, vivid, or shiny; not active, brisk, or sharp
hummingadj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee
residentn: a person who lives in a particular place or has their home in a place
ballgamen: a game played with a ball, typically involving two opposing teams competing to score points or goals; any challenging or competitive situation or activity
statutoryadj: relating to law or regulation; authorized or required by law or regulation
nuisancen: something or someone that causes annoyance, inconvenience, or discomfort; an unpleasant or irritating thing or person
dispersev: to spread out or distribute over a broad region, or to cause something to do so
threatn: a strong indication or likelihood of harm, danger, or adverse consequences; an expression of intent to inflict harm or injury on someone or something, often made as a means of coercion or intimidation
autonomousadj: capable of governing or controlling its affairs
injunctionn: a court order that prohibits or compels a specific action; a legal command or directive requiring a person or organization to do or refrain from doing something
giantadj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are
diskn: a flat, circular plate, typically made of metal, glass, or plastic, used for storing data or playing music
glaringadj: extremely noticeable or obvious, often in a way that is unpleasant or unpleasantly bright
presencen: the fact or state that someone or something exists, occurs, or is present
overpowerv: to conquer or establish complete control over someone by using superior strength
flashn: a sudden intense burst of radiant energy; a momentary brightness
advertv: an advertisement; (verb) to make reference to something in speaking or writing
entertainingadj: providing enjoyment or amusement, especially through being lively or amusing
entirelyadv: completely
invasiveadj: spreading very quickly, and often aggressively, and difficult to stop
instancen: a particular example or single occurrence of something
facialadj: of or relating to a person’s face
recognitionn: the action or process of recognizing or being recognized, especially by remembering; an agreement that something is true or legal
thermostatn: a device that automatically regulates temperature by controlling the heating or cooling system based on the temperature in a room or building
advertisev: to draw attention to something such as a product, service, or event in public to encourage people to buy, use, or attend it
glancev: to give a quick or brief look; to hit something at an angle
protestn: a strong expression of disagreement, disapproval, or opposition
attendv: to be present at an event, to go to a place
consequencen: the outcome of a particular action or event, especially relative to an individual
referendumn: a general vote in which all the people of a country can vote on an important political or social issue
euron: the official currency of most European Union countries
popularityn: the state of being widely accepted, admired, or appreciated by many people
disconnectv: to unfasten or disjoin something, especially to break the connection between a supply of gas, water, or electricity and a piece of equipment
evidentadj: apparent to the mind, senses, or judgment
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
awfuladj: causing fear, dread, or terror; very bad or unpleasant
installv: to fix furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position so that it can be used; put into an office or a position
grandparentn: a parent of one’s father or mother
trunkn: the main stem or body of a tree which its branches grow
abruptadj: sudden and unexpected
shriekv: to make a loud and high-pitched cry or scream, often in response to a sudden shock, surprise, or pain; to shout or protest loudly and forcefully
discussv: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic
well-beingn: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
overwhelmingadj: very great or intense; so powerful that you cannot fight or react against it
uncertainadj: not being sure of something; not being able to choose
anxietyn: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something that is happening or might happen in the future
unfoldv: to open up or spread out something that is folded or rolled up; to reveal or disclose something that was previously hidden or unknown
continuallyadv: in a way that happens without interruption or repeatedly
urgentadj: requiring immediate attention or action; pressing
emotionaladj: relating to people’s feelings
governmentn: the group of people with authority to control a country or state
invitev: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place
strategyn: a detailed plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal.
econometricsn: the application of statistical methods to economic data to analyze, understand, and forecast economic phenomena
visualadj: relating to seeing or sight
excitableadj: easily responding to something new or stimuli
sustainableadj: able to continue or be continued for a long time
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
reactionn: a response that reveals a person’s feelings or attitude; (in chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others
chemistryn: the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
labn: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory
approximateadj: nearly accurate or correct, but not completely so
emitv: to give off or send out something such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc.
vaporn: a mass of tiny liquid drops in the air
whiffn: a brief and faint odor that is detected; a slight gust or puff of air; a hint or a trace of something; (verb) to catch a brief, slight smell of something
noxiousadj: harmful or poisonous to living beings; having an unpleasant or offensive smell or taste; causing intense or unpleasant emotions or feelings
pollutedadj: contaminated with harmful or poisonous substances
inheritv: to receive money, property, or a title from someone after they have died
announcementn: a public statement or declaration, often made in writing or through the media, that conveys important information or news
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
renewableadj: capable of being renewed, extended, or replaced
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
policyn: a set of rules, guidelines, principles, or procedures that govern decision-making or action, often used in the context of business or government; a course of action or plan of action adopted or followed by an organization or individual to achieve a goal or objective
mitigatev: to make less severe or less intense; to alleviate or lessen the adverse effects of something
scenarion: a description of possible actions or events in the future; a written outline of a play, film, or literary work
trajectoryn: the curved path followed by an object moving through space
linearadj: of, relating to, or consisting of lines or length; able to be expressed as a straight line, especially on a graph
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
utopianadj: ideal and perfect; relating to or resembling a utopia (= an ideal and perfect society)
laboratoryn: a workplace for doing scientific research or teaching science; a lab
investigatev: to conduct a systematic or formal inquiry to identify and evaluate the facts of a crime, problem, statement, etc. to establish the truth
medicaladj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine
genomen: the complete set or sequence of genes of a human, animal, plant, or other living things
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
unintendedadj: not planned or meant
geneticsn: the branch of biology that studies genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms
fictionaladj: imaginary and not real; of or related to literary fiction
lawsuitn: a legal action taken by one party against another in a court of law, typically seeking damages or some other form of remedy for perceived wrongs or harms suffered
craftn: an activity that requires a particular skill in making things with one’s hands
illegaladj: not allowed by law
clinicn: a building or hospital department where people can go for medical care or advice, especially of a particular condition
carbonn: a chemical element that can be found in pure form as diamond or graphite, and it is also an essential part of coal and oil and is found in all plants and animals
oxiden: a chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom and one other element
incubatorn: an apparatus in which conditions are controlled for hatching eggs, growing cells, or keeping people or animals warm; a place, especially with support staff and equipment, offered at a low cost to new small businesses
defendantn: a person or party who is accused of a crime or who is being sued in a court of law
prosecutev: to bring legal action against someone in a court of law; to pursue or carry out something to completion or achievement
biologyn: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things
dynamicadj: having a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm, and a strong personality; of or relating to dynamics (= the branch of physics and engineering concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies)
insertv: to put something inside something else
patentn: a legal document that grants an inventor exclusive rights to their invention for a certain period of time; the invention or process for which a patent has been granted
submitv: to give or offer a document, proposal, etc. to a decision-maker for examination or consideration
salivan: the clear liquid that is secreted into the mouth by glands in the walls of the mouth and throat, helping to lubricate food during chewing and digestion
spitv: to eject saliva or other liquid from the mouth
kitn: a set of tools, supplies, or equipment for a particular purpose
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
insurev: to provide coverage in the event of loss or damage
shockn: a strong feeling or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or experience, especially something unpleasant
scaredadj: afraid or frightened
premiumn: an amount of money paid periodically; the price or cost of something, especially when it is considered to be of high quality or value; (adjective) having or reflecting superior quality or value
affordv: to have enough money or time to be able to buy or do something
algorithmn: a set of rules or rigorous instructions typically used to solve a specific problem or to perform a computation
scanv: to examine something hastily, with the eyes or with a machine, to get information
chronicadj: being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering; habitual
lurkv: to wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are about to attack someone or do something bad or illegal
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
panicn: a sudden strong feeling of fear that cannot be controlled and prevents reasonable thought and action
shadown: a dark area or shape cast by an object blocking the passage of light; an area in darkness or shade; a reflected image or copy of something; a person, activity, or influence that follows or accompanies someone or something closely and persistently, often in a secretive or ominous manner
modifyv: to change something slightly, such as a plan, option, law, etc., especially to make it more suitable for a particular purpose
affordableadj: not expensive and able to pay
proceedv: to move forward or to continue with a process or action; to advance or progress
immediateadj: happening or done without delay or occurring shortly after something else
encounterv: to face something, particularly something unpleasant or difficult, while attempting to do something else; to meet, especially unexpectedly
provokev: to stimulate or give rise to a particular reaction or have a particular effect
implicationn: something that is inferred or indirectly stated; the act or fact of being involved in something
judgen: a person who makes decisions in a court of law; (verb) to determine the result of or form a critical opinion of something
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
slightlyadv: in a small degree or extent; a little
far-fetchedadj: (of an idea or story) so exaggerated or ludicrous as to be very difficult to believe
congressn: a formal meeting of the representatives of different countries, constituent states, organizations, trade unions, political parties, or other groups
preservev: to keep or maintain a particular quality, feature, etc., especially to prevent it from decaying, being damaged, or being destroyed
employeen: a person who is hired to work for a business or organization in exchange for wages or salary; a worker
proposev: to make a proposal, declare a plan for something
amendv: to change a text, law, statement, etc., slightly to remove faults or errors or to improve it
discriminatev: to treat a person or particular group of people worse or better than another, especially in an unfair way; to recognize or perceive the difference between people or things
employern: a person or organization that pays workers to work for them
refusev: to show that one is not willing to do or accept something
penaltyn: a punishment for violating a law, rule, or contract
intentionn: something you want to do and are going to do
climaten: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period
attituden: the way you think and feel about someone or something
inspirev: to make somebody fill with the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm, especially to do something creative
progressionn: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward
abundancen: a significant amount of something; the situation in which there is too much of something
scarcityn: the state of being in short supply; a small and inadequate amount
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
instabilityn: the state of being unstable or uncertain and likely to change suddenly
chainn: a series of connected links or objects; a system or group of interconnected elements; a restraint or shackle
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
prosperv: to be successful or thriving, especially financially; to grow and develop well; to flourish
capsulen: a small, enclosed container often used for holding medicines or supplements or for transporting payloads in spacecraft; a small, elongated structure within the body, such as a joint or a gland
reclaimv: to take back something previously lost, given, or paid, or ask to have it back
stripv: to remove the surface from something; (noun) a sizeable narrow piece of something such as paper, metal, cloth, etc., or area of land, sea, etc.
lovinglyadv: in a manner showing deep affection or care; with fondness and warmth; in a way that expresses or suggests love
paneln: a square or rectangular and flat piece of something that forms a distinct section or component of something; a small group of specialists who discuss particular topics or give their advice or opinion about something
fridgen: a piece of electrical equipment in which food can be stored at low temperatures so that it stays fresh
furnishv: to provide a room or building with furniture and fittings; to provide something useful or necessary
abandonv: to leave a place, thing, or person with no intention of returning; (noun) a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
salvagen: the act of saving or rescuing something from potential loss or destruction; the property or items that are saved or rescued in this way; (verb) to save, recover, or rescue something from a dangerous, damaged, or deteriorating situation
repurposev: to use something again for a different purpose than it was originally intended
automatedadj: carried out by machines or computers to replace or decrease human labor
techniquen: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill
fogn: a thick cloud consisting of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth’s surface; a weather condition in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of water
nutrientn: any substance that is essential for the maintenance and growth of living things
soiln: the top layer of Earth in which plants grow
insectn: any small creature that has six legs and a body divided into three sections
pigeonn: a stout-bodied bird with a small head, short legs, and a short, cooing call, typically found in cities and domesticated for food
tacticsn: the methods or strategies used to achieve a specific goal or outcome, particularly in the context of military, business, or sports
hostileadj: unfriendly or aggressively opposed
insecureadj: not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way, or not assured of safety
engagev: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something
embracev: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection
discomfortn: a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally or being embarrassed; a slight pain
opportuneadj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
optimisticadj: hoping or expecting that good thing will happen or something will be successful