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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
brand | n: a type of product, service, etc., made by a particular company and sold under a specific name; identification mark on the skin of livestock, criminals, etc., made by burning | |
empathy | n: the ability to share another person’s feelings or experiences by imagining that person’s situation | |
motivation | n: the reason or enthusiasm for acting or behaving in a particular way | |
transform | v: to change in outward structure or looks; | |
ugly | adj: unattractive in appearance; unpleasant to look at | |
unique | adj: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else | |
ordinary | adj: not different, exceptional, or unexpected in any way, especially in quality, ability, size, or degree | |
memorable | adj: worth remembering or likely to be remembered, especially because of being very important or remarkable | |
diagnose | v: to determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a careful analysis | |
cancer | n: abnormal growth of cells that can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs; a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells | |
remission | n: a period of time when a disease or condition is no longer present or active; a lessening or reduction of symptoms or intensity; forgiveness or pardon for sins or debts | |
tumor | n: a mass of diseased tissue that forms when cells in the body divide and grow in an uncontrolled way | |
vertebra | n: a bone in the spine, or the spinal column forming the supporting structure of the spine and protecting the spinal cord | |
arthritis | n: inflammation of one or more joints of the body, which include pain and stiffness | |
rev | n: a measure of the rate at which an engine or motor rotates, often expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM); (verb) to increase the number of rotations per minute | |
twin | n: either of two children born at the same time from the same mother | |
norm | n: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard | |
communist | adj: relating to or supporting the political ideology of communism (= a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership) | |
pride | n: a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s achievements | |
develop | v: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created | |
decide | v: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options | |
flee | v: to leave by running away, especially out of fear or danger | |
statistics | n: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data | |
persistent | adj: continuing firmly or obstinately in the course of action despite difficulty or opposition; lasting or enduring without fading or being lost over time | |
fearless | adj: having no fear; brave | |
charm | n: the power or quality of pleasing or fascinating people | |
whip | v: to hit a person or an animal severely with a thin, flexible stick with a cord or leather thong at the end, as a punishment, discipline, etc. | |
straight | adj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations | |
prime | adj: main or most important; basic | |
locate | v: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something | |
pierce | v: to cut or make a way through with a sharp instrument | |
punk | n: a type of a loud, fast-moving, and aggressive form of rock music originating in the 1970s; an aggressive and violent young man or boy | |
preview | n: an early look or showing of a movie, book, or other creative work before its official release or presentation; a brief overview or introduction of something | |
radiation | n: the energy that comes from a nuclear reaction in the form of rays, waves, or particles and that can be hazardous to health | |
involve | v: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else | |
brain | n: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling | |
overcome | v: to succeed in controlling or dealing with something, such as a problem or difficulty; to defeat or overwhelm someone | |
silent | adj: without any or little sound | |
brace | n: a device, typically one of a pair, for holding something in position or for strengthening an object; (verb) to support or hold steady and make steadfast | |
announcement | n: a public statement or declaration, often made in writing or through the media, that conveys important information or news | |
surgery | n: medical treatment of injuries or diseases involving an incision with instruments and often removing or replacing some parts of the body; the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures | |
blank | adj: without any writing or printing; empty or devoid of ideas, information, or meaning; unable to remember or recall information | |
trap | n: a piece of equipment or hole for catching animals or people; (verb) to catch animals or people and prevent them from escaping | |
adamant | adj: having a very strong determination to do something and refusing to be influenced or persuaded; (noun) a legendary rock that is very hard and impossible to crush | |
dignity | n: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; high office or rank or station | |
legislation | n: a law or a set of laws suggested and then passed by a parliament, or the act of making or enacting laws | |
empower | v: to give someone the power or authority to do something | |
individual | n: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group | |
confirm | v: to support or establish the truth or certainty of something previously believed or suspected to be the case | |
terminal | n: a building or place where buses, trains, or airplanes stop and where passengers or goods can be picked up or dropped off; (adjective) of or situated at the ends of a delivery route | |
devastate | v: to wreck a place or an area or cause significant damage | |
ceremony | n: a formal event or ritual, often religious or solemn | |
immediate | adj: happening or done without delay or occurring shortly after something else | |
outfit | n: a set of clothing worn together, typically for a particular occasion or activity; any cohesive unit such as a company, military, etc. | |
ash | n: the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance, typically containing minerals and other impurities; the solid remains of a dead person after cremation | |
scatter | v: to cause to separate and go in different directions | |
mount | v: to increase, go up, or advance gradually or continuously; to prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; to ride on something or someone | |
afterward | adv: after the time mentioned | |
fancy | v: to want to do or have something; (noun) something that many people believe but that is false, or that does not exist; imagination or fantasy | |
casual | adj: relaxed and informal in manner or dress, not planned or expected; not involving commitment or seriousness | |
celebrate | v: to acknowledge a memorable or good day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity | |
hospice | n: a specialized care facility or service for terminally ill patients intended to provide comfort and support in the final stages of life; any program, organization, or approach focused on end-of-life care and support | |
consult | v: to seek or get advice or information from a person, book, or other source having special knowledge on a particular subject | |
proceed | v: to move forward or to continue with a process or action; to advance or progress | |
physician | n: a medical doctor who practices medicine | |
oncology | n: the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of tumors, especially malignancies | |
shock | n: a strong feeling or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or experience, especially something unpleasant | |
swift | adj: happening, moving, or capable of moving quickly | |
decision | n: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options | |
confuse | v: to mistake one thing for another; to make somebody hard to understand | |
process | n: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products | |
educated | adj: having received a high standard of education | |
disease | n: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems | |
relate | v: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something | |
transfer | v: to move, pass, or change from one person, place, or situation to another | |
disappointment | n: the feeling of sadness, frustration, or dissatisfaction that arises when something does not live up to one’s expectations or hopes | |
palliate | v: to make a disease, condition, or symptom appear less severe or intense than it actually is; to alleviate or ease symptoms without curing the underlying cause | |
comfort | n: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint | |
spiritual | adj: relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things | |
testament | n: a thing that proves the existence or truth of something else | |
pragmatic | adj: practical rather than idealistic | |
holistic | adj: relating to or dealing with the whole of something rather than just its parts | |
afford | v: to have enough money or time to be able to buy or do something | |
creative | adj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something | |
initial | adj: of or happening at the beginning; (noun) the first letter of a word, especially a person’s name | |
frail | adj: weak, delicate, and easily broken or worn out; lacking physical, mental, or emotional strength | |
circulation | n: the movement of blood through the body or of a fluid through a system; the number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold | |
sneak | v: to go somewhere, or take someone or something somewhere secretly or stealthily; to steal or do something secretly or stealthily | |
handicap | n: a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities | |
deluge | n: a severe flood; an overwhelming number or amount of something | |
amazing | adj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire | |
luxury | n: a state of great comfort or sophistication, mainly provided by expensive and beautiful things | |
sponge | n: a soft material with many microscopic pores that can absorb a large amount of liquid and is used for washing and cleaning | |
documentary | n: a film or a radio or television program that gives facts and information about a subject; of or derived from official documents | |
classic | adj: judged or deserving to be regarded as one of the best or most important of its kind over a period of time; of a well-known type | |
mood | n: the way you feel at a particular time; an angry or impatient state of mind | |
plead | v: to make a serious and urgent request or appeal, especially for help or mercy | |
fulfill | v: to meet the requirements or expectations; to achieve or realize | |
disappoint | v: to fail to meet someone or their hopes or expectations; to make someone feel sad | |
wheelchair | n: a chair fitted with large wheels for use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk | |
aesthetic | adj: connected with the enjoyment or study of beauty | |
visual | adj: relating to seeing or sight | |
communicate | v: to share or exchange information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals | |
combination | n: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities | |
refer | v: to direct someone’s attention, thoughts, or questions to another source or person; to mention, cite, or allude to something as evidence or support | |
off-putting | adj: causing someone to feel unpleasant, uncomfortable, or aversion; causing someone not to want to do or experience something | |
obvious | adj: easy to see, discover or understand | |
conversation | n: an informal talk between two or more people to exchange their views, ideas, information, etc. | |
grasp | v: to take hold of something or someone quickly and firmly | |
caress | v: to touch or stroke gently and affectionately; to express love or tenderness with physical contact | |
unusually | adv: in a way that is not typical or expected | |
flesh | n: the soft substance composing the body of a person or animal, as opposed to bones and other structures | |
dull | adj: not interesting or exciting; not bright, vivid, or shiny; not active, brisk, or sharp | |
execute | v: to kill someone, especially as a legal punishment; to carry out or perform an action, duty, etc. | |
mad | adj: insane, especially due to a mental illness; very angry | |
heaven | n: (of various religious and mythological traditions) a place or state of existence considered to be the abode of the divine, the afterlife, or a higher realm of being; a state of great happiness, contentment, or beauty | |
brave | adj: showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity | |
perk | n: an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job | |
cluster | n: a group of similar things or people close together, often forming a distinct mass or unit | |
expand | v: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance | |
spine | n: the series of bones running down the center of the back that protect the spinal cord and support the body; the backbone or vertebral column | |
stern | adj: serious, unyielding, or strict in manner or attitude | |
rib | n: each of a series of curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest; (adjective) subject to laughter or ridicule | |
cage | n: a structure made of metal bars or wire in which birds or animals can be kept | |
beg | v: to ask for something urgently or earnestly; to appeal to someone to do something | |
prescription | n: a written or spoken instruction that directs a medical practitioner to prescribe a specific treatment or medication for a patient | |
hesitate | v: to pause decision before saying or doing something | |
responsible | adj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management | |
medical | adj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine | |
alternative | n: one of two or more available possibilities or choice | |
liquid | n: a substance, such as water or oil that flows freely and is neither a solid nor a gas | |
vary | v: to become different in terms of size, shape, etc. | |
swallow | v: to make food, drink, pills, etc., pass down your throat into your stomach; (noun) small long-winged songbird noted for swift, graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations | |
gag | v: to prevent or restrict speech or expression, often through force or intimidation; to bind or cover the mouth to prevent speech; to cause someone to retch or choke; (noun) a device that is placed over someone’s mouth to prevent them from speaking or making noise; an order that prohibits a person or group from discussing a particular topic or sharing certain information with others | |
reflex | n: an automatic and unthinking response to a particular stimulus; a physical reaction to external stimuli | |
medicinal | adj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease | |
insure | v: to provide coverage in the event of loss or damage | |
policy | n: a set of rules, guidelines, principles, or procedures that govern decision-making or action, often used in the context of business or government; a course of action or plan of action adopted or followed by an organization or individual to achieve a goal or objective | |
regulation | n: an official rule made and maintained by a government or some other authority; the act of controlling or directing something according to a rule | |
intent | n: a strong determination or attention to do or achieve something; (adjective) having a strong determination to do or achieve something | |
scenario | n: a description of possible actions or events in the future; a written outline of a play, film, or literary work | |
revisit | v: to go to a place again, especially after a long period | |
redesign | v: to design something again, especially in a different or modified form; (noun) the process of designing something again | |
complicated | adj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze | |
peaceful | adj: not involving violence, conflict, or war | |
eye-popping | adj: causing surprise, shock, or amazement; highly impressive or stunning; visually exciting or captivating | |
crazy | adj: stupid or not sensible; very angry | |
feast | n: a large meal, typically one served on a special occasion | |
roast | v: to cook food by surrounding it with hot, dry air, especially in an oven | |
strawberry | n: a sweet, juicy fruit with a reddish color, a seeded surface, and a green, leafy top | |
sparkle | v: to emit or reflect bright flashes of light, especially with animation and joy | |
playlist | n: a curated list of songs or audio recordings that can be played in a specific order or shuffled randomly, often created for a specific purpose or event | |
tune | n: a musical composition or set of musical notes that are played or sung; (verb) to adjust or set something to a specific condition or standard | |
dusty | adj: covered with or characterized by dust; having a dry, powdery texture or appearance; having a lot of dust or dirt in the air | |
toast | n: slices of bread browned on both sides that have been put near a high heat; a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or even | |
glowing | adj: highly enthusiastic; greatly praised | |
assistant | n: someone who helps or supports someone else to do a job | |
preparation | n: the activity of getting ready for something or making something ready | |
underway | adj: having started and currently in progress | |
glance | v: to give a quick or brief look; to hit something at an angle | |
thumb | n: the short, thick digit of the hand next to the index finger; (verb) to travel by getting free rides from motorists | |
medication | n: a drug or other form of medicine that treats, prevents, or alleviates the symptoms of the disease | |
nausea | n: a feeling of sickness or discomfort in the stomach that is often accompanied by an urge to vomit; a sensation of loathing or disgust | |
declare | v: to say, state, or announce something clearly, officially, or publicly | |
intention | n: something you want to do and are going to do | |
warn | v: to make someone aware of potential danger or difficulty, particularly one that may occur in the future | |
pound | n: the standard unit of money in the UK; the standard unit of weight equal to 16 ounces | |
whiskey | n: a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, typically barley, corn, rye, or wheat, aged in barrels and often consumed straight or with mixers | |
uncertain | adj: not being sure of something; not being able to choose | |
deteriorate | v: to become worse in quality; to decline or degenerate | |
tube | n: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape | |
needle | n: a thin, pointed object typically used for sewing or medical purposes; a metal or plastic instrument used for administering injections or drawing blood | |
fluorescent | adj: emitting or reflecting vibrant and vivid light, especially under ultraviolet light; describing a type of lamp or bulb that produces such light | |
difficulty | n: a condition or state that causes problems | |
nurse | n: a healthcare professional who is trained to provide care for the sick or injured; (verb) to try to cure by special care or treatment of an illness or injury | |
odd | adj: strange or unexpected; not divisible by two | |
mess | n: a state of confusion, dirtiness, or untidiness; (verb) to fail to do something or to make something dirty or untidy | |
ritual | n: any customary observance or practice; any prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
invention | n: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation; the act of inventing | |
emotion | n: a strong feeling such as love, anger, etc. deriving from one’s situation, mood, or relationships with others | |
curiosity | n: a strong desire to know or learn about something | |
reframe | v: to reinterpret, rephrase, or redefine an issue, situation, or question in a different way | |
rebrand | v: to change the branding or image of a product, service, or organization to attract a new target market or improve recognition and profitability | |
scary | adj: causing fear or fright; frightening; intimidating | |
desolate | adj: deserted, barren, or lonely; causing a feeling of sadness or hopelessness | |
bleak | adj: unlikely to be favorable; unpleasantly cold and damp; offering little or no hope | |
noble | adj: having or showing excellent personal qualities or high moral principles that people admire | |
universal | adj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone | |
belong | v: to be the property of someone or something; to be a member or part of a group; to be in the proper or appropriate place | |
healthcare | n: the organized activity or business of preserving mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession | |
provider | n: a person or an organization that supplies somebody with something needed or wanted |