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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
architect | n: a person whose job is to design plans to be used in making something, such as buildings | |
destroy | v: to ruin or damage severely or completely; to eradicate or eliminate completely | |
demonstration | n: a display or show, often of a particular skill or product, intended to convince or persuade others | |
bomb | n: a weapon that explodes and is used to kill or injure people or to cause damage to something | |
snipe | v: to make a sly or spiteful remark, often in a concealed or indirect way; to target someone with an unfair or unwarranted attack or criticism | |
architecture | n: the art and science of designing and constructing buildings | |
studio | n: a room or building where creative or artistic work is produced; a television or radio production company | |
rubble | n: fragments of rock, stone, or other materials that remain after a building or other structure has been destroyed or demolished; the remains of something that has been broken down or destroyed | |
ceasefire | n: a temporary suspension of hostilities or fighting, often implemented by mutual agreement between opposing parties | |
economy | n: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel | |
merchant | n: a person who buys and sells a large number of goods, especially one who imports and exports goods | |
stall | v: to stop or cause to stop making progress; (noun) small area or booth set off for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area | |
shed | v: to get rid of something as superfluous or unwanted; to cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; (noun) an outbuilding with a single story, mainly used for shelter or storage | |
carpenter | n: a woodworker whose job is to make or repair wooden objects | |
butcher | n: a person who prepares and sells meat, especially at a retail shop; a person who kills or slaughters animals, especially for food; a person who engages in the relentless or brutal treatment of others | |
workshop | n: a place where people work, especially one where they do manual or practical work; a brief intensive course for a small group | |
juggle | v: to manage or cope with several tasks, responsibilities, or situations simultaneously; to keep several things in the air at once, as in a juggling act | |
senseless | adj: lacking meaning, purpose, or reason; without sense or sensibility; foolish or irrational | |
largely | adv: virtually entirely; to a large degree | |
tolerance | n: the willingness to accept or tolerate something, especially something that is different or unpleasant | |
historic | adj: famous or significant in history, or potentially so | |
accustomed | adj: familiar with; used to; in the habit of; having become habituated to something, often a behavior or situation | |
accommodating | adj: helpful and willing to assist or make room for someone or something | |
origin | n: the first existence or beginning of something | |
communal | adj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use | |
harmonious | adj: characterized by harmony or agreement; free from conflict or disagreement; pleasing or soothing in sound or tone | |
discuss | v: to talk about or examine in detail through conversation or debate; to exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic | |
degenerate | v: (of a person, animal, or plant) to become worse in health or physical condition | |
violent | adj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something | |
displacement | n: the act of forcing someone or something to leave their home or place of origin, especially as a result of conflict, natural disaster, or manipulation | |
unprecedented | adj: never having been seen, done, or known before | |
sectarian | adj: relating to a group or faction that is narrowly focused on its own religious, political, or ideological beliefs, often at the expense of others or in opposition to differing viewpoints | |
overlook | v: to fail to notice something; to watch over someone; to provide a view from above | |
analyze | v: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning | |
amplify | v: to enhance something, particularly sound or brightness | |
conflict | n: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals | |
correspondence | n: the letters, emails, etc., especially official or business ones; the quality or state of being the same in amount, number, status | |
settle | v: to reach an agreement of disagreement | |
crumble | v: to break or fall apart into small pieces or fragments, especially due to age, decay, or lack of support | |
coexist | v: to live or exist together at the same time in the same place | |
tradition | n: a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has been passed down from generation to generation within a group or society | |
background | n: the details of a person’s social heritage, such as family, vocational or educational experience; past information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem | |
prosperity | n: the state of being successful and having the good fortune | |
sustainable | adj: able to continue or be continued for a long time | |
belong | v: to be the property of someone or something; to be a member or part of a group; to be in the proper or appropriate place | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
mosque | n: a Muslim place of worship that usually has a minaret (= slender tower with balconies) | |
church | n: a building or institution dedicated to religious worship or activities; a Christian religious organization or denomination | |
back-to-back | adj: situated close to each other and facing in opposite directions; arranged or scheduled consecutively without a break in between; (adverb) consecutively | |
interweave | v: to combine or blend substantive parts or elements; to interlace; to mix or intermingle | |
souk | n: a market or bazaar in the Middle East or North Africa, typically consisting of a maze of narrow streets and passageways filled with vendors selling goods such as textiles, spices, and crafts | |
venue | n: a location or place where an event or activity takes place; a place where something happens or is performed | |
proportion | n: a part, share, or amount of something considered in comparative relation to a whole | |
principle | n: a fundamental law or truth that explains or controls how something happens or works | |
harmony | n: the combination of simultaneous musical notes to produce a pleasing effect; an attractive combination of related things and their properties | |
multilayer | n: something that consists of multiple layers or levels | |
integrate | v: to combine one thing with another so that they form a whole or work together; to accept equal participation for members of all races and ethnic groups | |
embrace | v: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection | |
spirit | n: the part of a person which is the seat of their mind, feelings, and character rather than their physical body; the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people | |
remarkable | adj: worthy of attention because unusual or special | |
gradual | adj: happening slowly over a long period of time or distance; not steep or abrupt | |
balance | n: a condition in which everything has the same weight or force; something left after other parts have been taken away | |
interfere | v: to get involved in and prevent a process or activity from continuing | |
urban | adj: relating to or located in a town or city | |
colonial | adj: of or relating to a colony (= a territory that is controlled by a more powerful country); to the period of time during which a country or region was a colony | |
enthusiastically | adv: in a way that shows intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval | |
transform | v: to change in outward structure or looks; | |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
relocate | v: to move or move something or someone to a new place and build a house or a business there | |
monument | n: a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a person or event | |
improve | v: to make or become better | |
unravel | v: undo twisted, knitted, or woven threads by separating it | |
identity | n: the fact of being who or what somebody or something is; the features, emotions, or ideas that distinguish persons from one another | |
separate | v: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different | |
intertwine | v: to twist together or become twisted together | |
ancient | adj: relating to the long ago, particularly the historical period preceding the fall of the Western Roman Empire; very old | |
worthless | adj: having no value or usefulness; not worth considering | |
covet | v: to strongly desire or crave something, particularly something that belongs to someone else; to have an excessive or envious desire for | |
trample | v: to step heavily on something or someone, causing damage or injury | |
modernity | n: the quality or condition of being modern; the state or era of being up-to-date in technology, science, and culture | |
brutal | adj: harsh or cruel | |
concrete | adj: existing in a physical or material form rather than an abstract one; based on facts rather than ideas or guesses; made of or covered with cement | |
neglect | v: to not give enough care or attention to something; to leave something undone | |
aesthetic | adj: connected with the enjoyment or study of beauty | |
devastation | n: the act of causing great destruction or damage, often on a large scale | |
divisive | adj: tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people | |
zone | n: a specific area, region, or section that is marked off or defined in some way | |
creed | n: a system of beliefs or principles | |
affluence | n: an abundance of wealth, resources, or property; prosperity | |
differentiate | v: to recognize or establish as being distinct; to distinguish between things that are compared; to calculate a derivative | |
drift | v: to move smoothly and slowly in water or air, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over the direction | |
fabric | n: cloth or other material produced by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, covering furniture, etc. | |
represent | v: to speak, act, or be present on behalf of another person or group; to form or constitute | |
underestimate | v: to think or suppose that a quantity, price, or size is smaller than it is | |
contribute | v: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people | |
self-respect | n: a feeling of being proud of and confident in yourself | |
misguided | adj: having or showing a wrong or mistaken understanding of a situation or course of action | |
inhumane | adj: lacking compassion or mercy towards humans or animals; causing or involving extreme physical or mental pain | |
nurture | v: to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something while they are growing and developing | |
division | n: the act or outcome of splitting into separate parts; a critical organizational unit or sector | |
morph | v: to change or cause to change something or someone smoothly and gradually from one thing to another | |
ghetto | n: an area of a city in which members of a particular group, typically an ethnic minority, usually live in poverty and with a high population density | |
circumference | n: the distance around the outside of a circular or curved object or area | |
coherent | adj: logical and consistent; (noun) the quality of being clear and easy to understand | |
distinct | adj: noticeable from something else of a similar type | |
alienated | adj: feeling isolated, estranged, or disconnected from others, often due to a sense of difference or lack of belonging | |
slum | n: a heavily populated urban area characterized by poor, run-down housing and infrastructure, often associated with poverty and social neglect | |
peripheral | adj: relating to, located on or near, or constituting an outer boundary or edge; not central or essential | |
infrastructure | n: the basic systems, services, or features that are necessary for an organization or country, such as transport and power supplies | |
endless | adj: having no end or conclusion; infinitely very large in size or amount | |
row | n: an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line; (verb) to propel a boat through the water using oars | |
religion | n: a deep conviction in a supernatural power that controls human destiny | |
tangible | adj: real and concrete; able to be perceived, especially able to be touched; (of business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value | |
precursor | n: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind and that contributes to or influences its growth | |
categorize | v: to put people or things into groups according to their features, types, etc. | |
bind | v: to tie or fasten someone or something tightly with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together strongly | |
presence | n: the fact or state that someone or something exists, occurs, or is present | |
vision | n: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see | |
modernize | v: to bring up to date or make contemporary in style or function; to bring modern methods or resources into an existing organization or system | |
heterogeneous | adj: diverse in character or content; composed of parts of different kinds; not uniform | |
involve | v: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else | |
ethnic | adj: relating or belonging to a group of people who share a cultural tradition | |
recognize | v: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered | |
instability | n: the state of being unstable or uncertain and likely to change suddenly | |
wit | n: the ability to say or write things or ideas in a clever and humorous way | |
disastrous | adj: extremely bad, harmful, or unsuccessful | |
severely | adv: very badly or seriously | |
displace | v: to force someone or something to leave their home or place of origin, especially as a result of conflict, natural disaster, or manipulation | |
rebuild | v: to build again or anew | |
adopt | v: to choose to follow something; to legally take a child from another family and care for them as if they were one’s own | |
recapture | v: to take back control or possession of something | |
exhibit | v: to show something in public for people to enjoy or to provide them with information | |
ostentation | n: the act of displaying wealth, power, or status exaggeratedly or showy, often to attract attention or impress others. It involves flaunting material possessions or engaging in grand gestures | |
moral | adj: concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong, fairness, honesty, etc. | |
promote | v: to encourage or persuade people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank | |
generosity | n: the fact or quality of being willing to do kind things or give somebody money, gifts, or time freely | |
elite | adj: belonging to the wealthiest, most potent, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society | |
shadow | n: a dark area or shape cast by an object blocking the passage of light; an area in darkness or shade; a reflected image or copy of something; a person, activity, or influence that follows or accompanies someone or something closely and persistently, often in a secretive or ominous manner | |
alley | n: a narrow lane or way between buildings, often used as a passage or a shortcut; a small street that runs between two other streets | |
encourage | v: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do | |
introduction | n: a preliminary explanation or remarks given before the start of a text, performance, or event; the act of bringing something new into existence or introducing something to a wider audience or new market | |
competition | n: a situation in which someone is attempting to beat or outperform another | |
inspire | v: to make somebody fill with the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm, especially to do something creative | |
echo | n: a sound heard after being reflected off a surface, such as a wall or a cliff | |
incorporate | v: to include something as a part of a larger entity | |
courtyard | n: an open space surrounded by buildings or walls, often in the center of a building or group of buildings | |
leisure | n: the freedom provided by the absence of pressures or responsibilities | |
obvious | adj: easy to see, discover or understand | |
electrify | v: to make a machine or system work by using electricity; to make someone extremely enthusiastic about or interested in something | |
freestanding | adj: not attached to a wall or other structure; not supported by anything | |
disconnect | v: to unfasten or disjoin something, especially to break the connection between a supply of gas, water, or electricity and a piece of equipment | |
propose | v: to make a proposal, declare a plan for something | |
axis | n: a real or imaginary straight line through a body or figure around which the object turns; a group of countries in special alliance | |
rot | v: to decay, or cause something to decay, naturally and gradually | |
settlement | n: an official agreement that brings an argument to a close; the process of establishing permanent residence in a place. | |
instance | n: a particular example or single occurrence of something | |
soulless | adj: having no attractive or exciting character that makes people happy; lacking sensitivity or the capacity for deep feeling | |
tower | n: a structure that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and either forms part of a building or stands alone | |
luxurious | adj: characterized by or affording something excessively expensive; rich and comfortable | |
isolation | n: the condition of being alone or lonely; the act or state of separation between persons or groups | |
alien | n: a person who comes from a different country, race, or group; a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere | |
skyscraper | n: a very tall building, typically one in a city | |
contemporary | adj: belonging to the same or present time | |
archetype | n: a very typical example of a certain person or thing; a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology that represents a universal pattern of human nature | |
emerge | v: to move out of or away from something and become visible | |
alienation | n: the state of being isolated or detached from one’s social, emotional, or political environment | |
fragment | n: a small piece or part broken off or detached | |
practical | adj: of or connected with actual use or real situation rather than with theory and ideas | |
aspect | n: one part or feature of a situation, problem, subject, etc. | |
spiritual | adj: relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things | |
psychology | n: the scientific study of mind and behavior | |
inhabit | v: to live in a specific location; to reside | |
opposed | adj: being completely different from something or disagreeing strongly with something |