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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
analytics | n: the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics; information resulting from this analysis | |
dramatically | adv: in a very impressive manner | |
distant | adj: far away in space, time, or where you are; far apart in relevance, relationship, or kinship | |
tangible | adj: real and concrete; able to be perceived, especially able to be touched; (of business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value | |
geek | n: a person who is highly interested and knowledgeable about a particular subject or field, often to the point of being obsessed | |
lab | n: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory | |
analyze | v: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning | |
massive | adj: enormous amount; very heavy and solid | |
computation | n: the act or process of calculating something, especially an answer or amount, by using a machine or calculator | |
trend | n: a general direction in which something is changing or developing | |
extraordinary | adj: exceptional, unexpected, very unusual; surpassing the ordinary or usual | |
storytelling | n: the act or art of narrating or writing stories | |
unveil | v: to reveal or make something publicly known, especially for the first time | |
narrative | n: a story or a description of a series of events or process of telling a story | |
inanimate | adj: not having life or spirit; not animate | |
compelling | adj: arousing strong and irresistible interest, attention, or admiration | |
highlight | v: to make something prominent, mainly so that people give it more attention | |
phenomenon | n: something that exists and can be perceptible, especially one that is not fully understood | |
trash | n: discarded material, refuse, or waste | |
flip | v: to turn over into a different position quickly; to throw or toss with a light motion | |
bagel | n: a type of bread product that is typically round, dense, and chewy with a hole in the center, often topped with seeds or spices | |
visual | adj: relating to seeing or sight | |
install | v: to fix furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position so that it can be used; put into an office or a position | |
sensor | n: a device that receives a signal or stimulus such as heat, pressure, light, motion, etc. and responds to it in a specific manner | |
nod | v: to lower and raise one’s head, sometimes several times, as to show approval, agreement, greeting, or confirmation | |
visualize | v: to form a mental image or concept of something; to make something visible | |
inefficient | adj: lacking the ability or skill and not making the best use of time, money, energy, etc. | |
inherent | adj: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute | |
journalism | n: the profession or activity of writing or reporting news for publication or broadcast | |
dive | v: to jump into the water with your head and arms going in first, or to move down to a deeper level underwater | |
sewer | n: an underground system of pipes used to carry away sewage and wastewater | |
wastewater | n: water that contains waste substances from homes, farms, factories, etc. | |
sew | v: to join, fasten, or repair two pieces of something by putting the thread through them with a needle | |
rap | n: a type of music characterized by a strong, repetitive beat and lyrics that often focus on social and political issues; a reproach for some lapse or misdeed | |
awesome | adj: inspiring fear, admiration, or respect; very good, nice, fun, etc. | |
incredible | adj: unbelievable; enormous | |
communal | adj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use | |
spin | v: to cause something to rotate rapidly; to cause someone to feel dizzy or disoriented | |
cutting-edge | adj: being at the forefront of a particular field or development; (noun) the latest or most advanced stage in the development of a specific type of work or activity | |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
observatory | n: a building designed and equipped to observe the planets, the stars, the weather, etc. | |
opioid | n: substances that have an effect similar to opium, such as morphine, used in medicines to treat severe pain, but some people take them illegally for pleasure and become addicted | |
consumption | n: the amount used or eaten; the act of using up a resource such as energy, food, or materials | |
allocate | v: to give or distribute something, such as resources or duties, to someone or something for a particular purpose | |
toilet | n: a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture with a seat for defecation and urination, or a room or building containing one or more of this fixture | |
pursue | v: to do something or attempt to attain something over time; to follow or seek someone or something, especially in trying to catch them | |
automatic | adj: able to work or operate with little or no direct human control; independent of external control | |
distribute | v: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something | |
improve | v: to make or become better | |
broad | adj: very wide; general | |
technique | n: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill | |
dissimilar | adj: not alike or having little in common | |
critic | n: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc. | |
urban | adj: relating to or located in a town or city | |
elevate | v: to raise something from a lower to a higher position; to give a promotion to or assign to a higher position | |
nerd | n: a person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about a particular subject such as computers, mathematics, chess, etc. | |
nation | n: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture | |
optimize | v: to make the best or most effective use of something | |
corporate | adj: of or relating to a large company | |
profit | n: money that is earned in business or by selling things after deducting the costs involved | |
delicious | adj: exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell | |
detrimental | adj: causing harm or damage | |
antibiotic | n: a substance or drug that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria | |
pesticide | n: a substance used for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest | |
suffer | v: to experience pain, distress, or hardship; to undergo or endure something painful or unpleasant | |
exterior | adj: situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of something | |
tragedy | n: an event or situation causing great loss, misfortune, or destruction; a play or literature that deals with a severe and sad event and often ends with the death of the main character | |
wrap | v: to cover or enclose something entirely with paper, cloth, or other material | |
trillion | n: the number 1,000,000,000,000; a million million | |
on-demand | adj: available as needed or requested, often referring to products or services that can be accessed or delivered instantly or with minimal delay | |
convenience | n: the state of being suitable or opportune | |
transit | n: the act or process of passing through or across a place or state; transportation | |
warehouse | n: a large building for storing goods and merchandise, especially before they are sold, used, or sent out to shops | |
grocery | n: a shop that sells food and other household items | |
determinant | n: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result | |
spotty | adj: characterized by irregular or uneven distribution or coverage; of or relating to temporary blemishes or discolorations on the skin; inconsistent or unreliable in quality or performance | |
harvest | n: yields of plants in a single growing season; the period of the year when gathering occurs on a farm | |
eliminate | v: to remove or get rid of someone or something | |
chain | n: a series of connected links or objects; a system or group of interconnected elements; a restraint or shackle | |
prediction | n: the act of predicting the future by reasoning; a statement made about the future | |
compete | v: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something | |
pave | v: to cover something with a hard, flat material such as stones, bricks, or concrete, to make it suitable for travel or use | |
tale | n: a story made up in someone’s imagination, especially one full of action and adventure | |
snapshot | n: an informal photograph, especially one taken quickly | |
cycle | n: an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; a bicycle or motorcycle | |
nutritional | adj: of or relating to the substance required by the body to maintain health and growth | |
emission | n: the act of production or sending out gas, heat, light, etc. | |
chapter | n: a separate section of a written work usually numbered and titled | |
exciting | adj: causing a lot of interest or excitement | |
fast-food | n: a type of restaurant or food establishment that specializes in quickly prepared and served meals, often in a drive-thru or takeout format | |
joint | adj: shared, held, or made between two or more people; (noun) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton | |
complicated | adj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze | |
backstory | n: the history and events that occur before the main events of a story or the history and details of a person or thing that are not widely known | |
cocktail | n: a drink, usually an alcoholic one, made by mixing one or more spirits (= strong alcoholic drinks) and fruit juice; an appetizer served as a first course at a meal | |
destination | n: the place to which someone or something is going or being sent; the ultimate purpose or goal of a journey or action | |
shiny | adj: reflecting light and having a bright and smooth surface | |
ripe | adj: (of fruit or crops) fully developed and ready to be eaten or harvested | |
agriculture | n: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock | |
innovation | n: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation | |
entirely | adv: completely | |
dramatic | adj: very sudden, very excellent, or full of action and excitement | |
dirt | n: soil, dust, or any substance that makes a surface not clean; the part of the earth’s surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock | |
nostalgia | n: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past | |
magical | adj: produced by or containing supernatural powers | |
flavor | n: the taste sensation produced by a substance in the mouth | |
incomparable | adj: beyond comparison or unrivaled; impossible to compare to anything else due to its uniqueness, excellence, or superiority | |
extend | v: to broaden in scope, range, or area | |
consume | v: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount | |
cow | n: a domesticated mammal with characteristic features such as a hump, large udders, and curved horns that is raised for its milk or meat | |
tradition | n: a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has been passed down from generation to generation within a group or society | |
pasture | n: an area of land used for grazing livestock | |
hormone | n: a chemical substance made by organs that encourages or influences the development, growth, sex, etc., of an animal and is carried around the body in the blood | |
hay | n: grass that has been cut and dried for use as animal feed or bedding; a stack or bale of this dried grass | |
experiment | n: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
suboptimal | adj: not the best or ideal option or solution; falling short of the optimal or desired outcome or result | |
bounty | n: a reward offered for capturing or killing someone or for accomplishing a specific task | |
fuzzy | adj: having a soft and indistinct outline or covered with fine, soft, and hairlike fibers | |
diverse | adj: including numerous categories of individuals or entities; various | |
inevitably | adv: in a manner that cannot be avoided or prevented | |
ukulele | n: a small, four-stringed instrument of Hawaiian origin that is similar to a guitar and is played by strumming or plucking the strings | |
background | n: the details of a person’s social heritage, such as family, vocational or educational experience; past information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem | |
hire | v: to give somebody a job | |
stall | v: to stop or cause to stop making progress; (noun) small area or booth set off for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area | |
guarantee | v: to promise something will happen formally, especially that certain conditions about a product, service, or transaction would be met | |
variable | adj: likely to change or vary often; (noun) a symbol, like x or y, that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a value that may be changed | |
unpredictable | adj: not capable of being foreseen or calculated; not regular or certain | |
roll | v: to move in a particular direction by turning over and over or from side to side | |
dice | n: a small cube with each side marked with a different number of spots (from 1 to 6) used in gambling and some games | |
diversity | n: the quality or fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people | |
stick | v: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material | |
pound | n: the standard unit of money in the UK; the standard unit of weight equal to 16 ounces | |
core | n: the most essential or fundamental part of something | |
humming | adj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee | |
subscription | n: the act of signing up to receive something, typically a publication, service, etc., regularly | |
commerce | n: the activity of buying and selling things, especially on a large scale | |
platform | n: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed | |
consistent | adj: always behaving or happening in the same way, or having the same thoughts, standards, etc. | |
process | n: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products | |
opt | v: to make a choice from a range of possibilities | |
geography | n: a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth | |
forecast | n: a prediction or statement about how something, such as the weather, will develop or what will happen in the future; (verb) to predict the future in advance | |
broccoli | n: a green vegetable with a bunch of small, tight florets on a thick stem that belongs to the cabbage family | |
salmon | n: a type of fish that is commonly found in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans | |
etcetera | n: used to indicate that some other unspecified items or things could be included besides those already mentioned; and so on | |
crop | n: a plant that is cultivated in large amounts, particularly for food | |
asparagus | n: a green vegetable with long, slender stalks and small, pointed leaves, often eaten boiled or steamed as a side dish | |
accord | n: an official agreement or treaty between two organizations, countries, etc.; (verb) allow to have | |
confidence | n: the feeling or attitude that one can trust or rely on the abilities or good qualities of someone or something | |
software | n: a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data for doing particular computational jobs | |
salesperson | n: a person whose job is to sell goods in a shop or directly to customers | |
fleet | n: a group of military ships, aircraft, etc., operating together under the same ownership; (adjective) moving very fast | |
capable | adj: having the ability, skill, or potential to do something; competent or proficient in a particular task or area of expertise | |
fiery | adj: very intense; like or suggestive of fire | |
sustainable | adj: able to continue or be continued for a long time | |
holistic | adj: relating to or dealing with the whole of something rather than just its parts | |
weirdo | n: a person who looks strange and behaves strangely | |
vision | n: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see | |
nationwide | adj: extending throughout an entire nation | |
insist | v: to say something clearly or demand something forcefully, especially when other people disagree with or oppose what you say | |
revolutionary | adj: relating to or characterized by a complete or dramatic change | |
invite | v: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place |