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commandn: authority, control, or mastery over something, often referring to military or leadership contexts; a directive, order, or instruction; expertise or confidence in a specific area; (verb) to give an authoritative order or instruction, or to be in charge or control of something
fancyv: to want to do or have something; (noun) something that many people believe but that is false, or that does not exist; imagination or fantasy
extortv: to obtain something, often money, through force, threats, or coercion
occasionallyadv: now and then; sometimes but not often
artworkn: the pieces of art, such as pictures and photographs used in books, magazines, etc.
capturev: to catch a person or an animal and confine them in an area which they cannot escape
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
alliedadj: united or connected by a political or military agreement
arrestv: to take into custody
treasonn: the act of betraying one’s country or government, especially by attempting to overthrow it or give aid and comfort to its enemies; a violation of allegiance or loyalty to one’s country or government
punn: a humorous play on words or use of words that sound similar but have different meanings, often for a comedic effect; a form of wordplay
confessv: to admit to having done something wrong or to reveal something personal or private
masterpiecen: a work of art that is exceptionally good or highly skilled; a great achievement
forgev: to fashion or shape metal by heating it and hammering it into shape; to create or develop something new or original; to form strong bonds or relationships with others
canvasn: the heavy, closely woven fabric used for making tents, sails, etc. and by artists for painting on
disgustn: a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval
alcoholn: a clear liquid that can make people drunk and is used in medicines, cleaning products, etc.
morphinen: a powerful narcotic drug used to relieve pain and induce sleep
forgeryn: the act of creating a fake or false document, object, or currency to deceive or defraud others; the item that has been created in such a way
heron: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a character in literature or history who is central to the plot and who exhibits heroic qualities
interrogatev: to examine someone with questions over a lengthy period, especially in an aggressive manner
psychopathn: a person with an extreme personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and ethical values; often associated with manipulative and deceitful behavior, impulsivity, and risk-taking tendencies
sympathyn: the feeling of being sorry for someone who is experiencing a difficult or unpleasant situation; understanding or sharing someone else’s feelings or emotions
reactionn: a response that reveals a person’s feelings or attitude; (in chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others
accordn: an official agreement or treaty between two organizations, countries, etc.; (verb) allow to have
biographern: a person who writes the story of another person
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
eviladj: profoundly immoral, cruel, and wicked; having or exerting a harmful effect on people
afterwardadv: after the time mentioned
originn: the first existence or beginning of something
shockn: a strong feeling or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or experience, especially something unpleasant
boastv: to talk about someone’s accomplishments, wealth, or abilities excessively with undue pride and self-satisfaction
attributev: to say or regard that something is the result of a particular thing; (noun) a quality or feature that someone or something possesses;
suppern: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one eaten after the main meal of the day
psychologyn: the scientific study of mind and behavior
sociologistn: a person who studies the institutions and development of human society
arguev: to express differing opinions or points of view, often in a heated or contentious manner; to present a case or reasoning to persuade or convince others
snobn: a person who believes themselves to be socially superior or of a higher class than others, often looking down on or criticizing those perceived as inferior or less cultured
doubtn: a feeling of being uncertain about something, especially about how good or accurate it is
convincev: to persuade someone or make someone believe that something is true
extentn: the point or degree or area to which something extends
essentialadj: indispensable; fundamental
reactv: to take action in response to something
essencen: the basic or most important part or quality of something that makes it what it is
tofun: a soft, custard-like food made from mashed soybeans that have been soaked, ground, and cooked; also known as bean curd and commonly used in vegetarian and vegan cuisine as a protein source or meat substitute
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
demonstrationn: a display or show, often of a particular skill or product, intended to convince or persuade others
tastyadj: having a strong and pleasant flavor when it is eaten
neurosciencen: the scientific study of the function, structure, and disorder of the brain and the nervous system
twistv: to bend or turn something into a certain shape
MRIn: (abbreviation for magnetic resonance imaging) a medical imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body
scanv: to examine something hastily, with the eyes or with a machine, to get information
tuben: a cylindrical container of metal, plastic, glass, etc., usually sealed and used as a means of preserving food or chemicals; a hollow cylindrical shape
sipv: to drink a liquid by taking small mouthfuls; (noun) a small drink
brainn: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling
associatev: to mentally connect someone or something with someone or something else
rewardn: a thing given in acknowledgment of service, hard work, achievement, etc.
pleasurableadj: giving satisfaction or pleasure; enjoyable
stimulusn: something that causes growth or arouses action
attractiveadj: immensely appealing in look or sound; having characteristics or qualities that make something appealing and valuable
romanticadj: of or relating to love or a sexual relationship
lustn: a strong desire or craving, usually of a sexual nature
disguisev: to hide or alter someone’s appearance to deceive or mislead others
kinshipn: the state or fact of being related to someone
typicaladj: having the usual characteristics or traits of a specific group of things
libidon: the instinctual energy or drive that fuels sexual desire and behavior
spousen: a person’s husband, wife, or partner in marriage
dramaticadj: very sudden, very excellent, or full of action and excitement
neurologicaladj: of or relating to the science of neurology or the nervous system
disordern: an untidy state or a lack of organization; a physical condition or illness that causes problems with how a section of the body or brain functions
syndromen: a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and are characteristic of a particular condition or disorder
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
delusionn: a false belief or impression that is firmly held despite evidence to the contrary
replacev: to take the place of something
duplicatev: to make or be an exact copy of something; to reproduce something
tragicadj: causing great sadness or suffering; very unfortunate
murdern: the crime of killing somebody intentionally
impostorn: someone who pretends to be someone or something else to deceive others; a fraud
complainv: to say dissatisfaction or annoyance about something or somebody
endowv: to give a quality, ability, or asset to a person or institution
inadequateadj: not sufficient or enough
aftadj: (the opposite of “forward”) located at or towards the rear or back of a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
possessedadj: controlled or influenced by a strong emotion or belief
virileadj: having or characterized by masculinity or manly qualities, such as strength, energy, and sexual potency; possessing the qualities of an adult male
handsomeadj: physically attractive and pleasing in appearance; attractive and generous
aristocraticadj: relating to or characteristic of the aristocracy (= the most powerful class of society); noble or aristocratic in manner or appearance
consumev: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount
utilityn: the state or quality of being useful or convenient; the service, such as electric power or water or transportation, provided by a public
chewv: to crush or grind something, especially food, with the teeth and then swallow it
bubblen: a thin, round, and often transparent mass of gas that is surrounded by a thin layer of liquid; a state of economic or social prosperity that is unsustainable and eventually collapses
gumn: a soft, sticky substance that is chewed to freshen the breath or to clean the teeth; the flesh that surrounds the teeth in the mouth
quartern: one of four equal parts; a fourth part or portion
auctionn: a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder; a process of selling goods or property through competitive bidding
thrivev: to grow vigorously; to make steady progress
belovedadj: loved very much
confirmv: to support or establish the truth or certainty of something previously believed or suspected to be the case
millionairen: a person who has material wealth that is valued at more than a million dollars, pounds, euros, etc.
bushn: a plant growing thickly with many small branches and several stiff stems coming up from the root
conferv: to have a meeting or discussion to come to a decision or agreement or exchange ideas; to bestow something
attractionn: a sense of like someone, particularly sexually; something that causes individuals to desire to go to a specific area or do a specific activity
celebrityn: someone who is well-known, particularly in the entertainment industry
colleaguen: one of a group of a coworker, especially in a profession or a business
experimentn: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge
sweatn: the salty liquid that is produced by the glands in the skin, especially when the body is hot or under stress
brandn: a type of product, service, etc., made by a particular company and sold under a specific name; identification mark on the skin of livestock, criminals, etc., made by burning
restrictionn: a limitation or constraint placed on something, or the act of limiting or constraining something
instancen: a particular example or single occurrence of something
thoroughadj: done completely; significantly careful and accurate
philosophyn: the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind
instinctn: an inborn behavioral pattern that is often responsive to specific stimuli; an innate feeling that causes you to act or believe that something is true
assumev: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance
underlyingadj: significant as a cause or basis of something but not immediately apparent or stated clearly
alikeadv: similar or identical in nature or appearance
creativeadj: relating to or involving the use of skill and original and unusual ideas to create something
pollackn: (also “pollock”) a variety of freshwater fish related to the cod, or a member of a North Atlantic family of marine fish, typically greenish-gray in color
claimv: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true
empiricaladj: based on or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
intuitionn: the ability to understand or know something without reasoning or evidence; a feeling that guides a person to do or believe something without fully understanding why
invitingadj: having an attractive or tempting quality that draws people in; encouraging or alluring in a way that makes people want to take part or participate
physicallyadv: in a way related to a person’s body or appearance rather than their mind
visualadj: relating to seeing or sight
violinn: a four-stringed wooden musical instrument held against the neck and played by passing a bow across the strings
genen: the fundamental unit of heredity and the sequence of nucleotides in DNA that codes for the creation of RNA or protein.
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
enlistv: to sign up to serve in the military or a particular organization
audaciousadj: showing a willingness to take bold risks or to do something that is considered unconventional or daring; marked by originality, creativity, or boldness
subwayn: an underground railway system, typically in a city
clipn: a small metal or plastic device used for holding an object or objects together or in place; a short part of electronic media, either an audio clip or video clip
apparentlyadv: based on what you have heard or read
congressn: a formal meeting of the representatives of different countries, constituent states, organizations, trade unions, political parties, or other groups
extravagantadj: exceeding the bounds of reason or necessity; wildly excessive; lavish
affairn: event, situation, or subject that is significant from a political or public perspective; a secretive or illicit sexual relationship
stunv: to make a person or an animal unconscious or dizzy, especially by hitting them on the head; to make someone surprised or shocked greatly
strikev: to wallop somebody or something with the hand, fist, or weapon; to have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
pityn: a feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering or misfortunes of others; an object of contempt or disdain
cagen: a structure made of metal bars or wire in which birds or animals can be kept
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
compositionn: the different parts of something’s elements or ingredients; the way in which the different components are organized; a piece of music written by someone
benchn: a long, flat surface, often elevated and supported by legs, used for sitting, working, or displaying objects; persons who administer justice
silentadj: without any or little sound
hookedadj: being caught or caught up in something; curved down like an eagle’s beak
undergraduaten: a student who is studying for their first degree at a university or other higher education institution
malevolencen: a strong feeling or inclination of ill will or maliciousness towards others; the quality or state of having evil intentions or wishing harm upon others
shockingadj: extremely or surprisingly bad, or causing a strong emotional response such as surprise or disgust
helln: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place
extremeadj: very great in amount or degree
circumstancen: the specific conditions or events that surround a particular situation or occurrence
transformv: to change in outward structure or looks;
hummingadj: producing a continuous, low, vibrating sound like that of the bee
extraordinaryadj: exceptional, unexpected, very unusual; surpassing the ordinary or usual
propertyn: a thing or things that belong to someone
chilin: a small hot-tasting fruit of a type of pepper plant used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders; a spicy stew made from ground beef and beans, typically seasoned with chili peppers
rollv: to move in a particular direction by turning over and over or from side to side
summarizev: to give a brief statement of the most important facts or ideas about something
poetn: a person who writes poetry
heavenn: (of various religious and mythological traditions) a place or state of existence considered to be the abode of the divine, the afterlife, or a higher realm of being; a state of great happiness, contentment, or beauty