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prayv: to make a request or petition to a higher power, especially in the form of a respectful or humble request
laborn: productive work, especially physical work done for wages; the people who do manual or physical work in a country or company for wage; (verb) to work hard or to strive and make an effort to reach a goal
stretchv: to make or be capable of making anything longer or broader without hurting or breaking
contractionn: the act or process of becoming smaller or shorter in size, volume, or amount
medicaladj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine
transitionn: the process or period of changing from one state or circumstance to another
sacraladj: of, relating to, or located near the sacrum (= the triangular bone at the base of the spine between the hips)
midwifen: a person trained to assist women during childbirth and to provide care for the mother and baby
parn: a state of being equal to someone or something
braveadj: showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity
suddenlyadv: quickly and unexpectedly
breathn: the air that is taken into and expelled from your lungs; the process of taking into and expelling air from your lungs
sobv: to cry or weep with short, sudden sounds
oxytocinn: a hormone secreted by the pituitary which stimulates contractions of the uterus during labor (= the process of pushing out a baby) and the ejection of milk
floodn: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount
nursen: a healthcare professional who is trained to provide care for the sick or injured; (verb) to try to cure by special care or treatment of an illness or injury
fierceadj: severe and violent in a way that is frightening
bloodyadj: covered in or smeared with blood; involving or characterized by bloodshed or brutality
imperfectlyadv: in a faulty or incomplete way
communaladj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use
unjustadj: not fair or equitable; lacking in justice or impartiality; morally unacceptable or wrong
policyn: a set of rules, guidelines, principles, or procedures that govern decision-making or action, often used in the context of business or government; a course of action or plan of action adopted or followed by an organization or individual to achieve a goal or objective
injusticen: a violation of the rights of others or the laws of a society
frontlineadj: in the most critical or dangerous position; in the military line or part of an army closest to the enemy
revolutionaryadj: relating to or characterized by a complete or dramatic change
opponentn: a person against whom you are playing or fighting in a game, competition, debate, etc.
enormousadj: extremely large or great
ragen: a strong feeling of anger or violence
cringev: to move back or away from someone or something because you are afraid or shocked; to shrink as in fear, disgust, or embarrassment
encounterv: to face something, particularly something unpleasant or difficult, while attempting to do something else; to meet, especially unexpectedly
courtyardn: an open space surrounded by buildings or walls, often in the center of a building or group of buildings
helln: the place thought to be where bad people go and are punished after death, often depicted as being located beneath the earth; an extraordinarily unpleasant or difficult place
Christn: the man that Christians believe is the prophet and the son of God, and whose life and sermons form the basis for Christianity
gurun: a spiritual teacher or leader, notably in Hindu and Sikh traditions; a person who has knowledge and expertise in a particular area
faithn: complete trust in something or someone’s ability or knowledge; a strong belief in religion, divine power, etc.
refusev: to show that one is not willing to do or accept something
vowv: to make a promise or commitment, usually formal and solemn
warriorn: a person who engaged in or experienced warfare, especially in the past
saintn: a person who is recognized as having an exceptional degree of holiness, virtue, or devotion
abandonv: to leave a place, thing, or person with no intention of returning; (noun) a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
empiren: a group of countries ruled by one leader or government
mountv: to increase, go up, or advance gradually or continuously; to prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; to ride on something or someone
Donn: a Spanish gentleman; a university lecturer, especially a senior member of a college at Oxford or Cambridge
turbann: a headdress consisting of a long piece of cloth wound around the head and sometimes the face
braidn: a complex pattern, design, or plait formed out of three or more strands, often used decoratively in hair, clothing, or textiles; threads of silk, cotton, or other material attached to clothes, uniforms, or other things made of cloth, as a decoration
fast-forwardv: to advance or move forward in time or progress, particularly in a rapid or accelerated manner; to increase the playback speed of a recording
twinn: either of two children born at the same time from the same mother
horrorn: intense fear or disgust, especially at something shocking or terrifying
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
flashn: a sudden intense burst of radiant energy; a momentary brightness
beardn: hair that grows on a man’s face, often around the mouth and chin
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
representv: to speak, act, or be present on behalf of another person or group; to form or constitute
commitmentn: a promise or firm decision to do something or to behave in a certain way
castv: to cause light or shadow to appear on a surface; to assing or choose someone such as an actor or representative, especially by selection process
murdern: the crime of killing somebody intentionally
patriotn: a person who loves their nation and would fight for it if required
widown: a woman whose spouse has died and who has not remarried
weepv: to cry tears because of sadness, rage, or pain
blamev: to think or say that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad
memorialn: a structure or monument to commemorate a person or event
degreen: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment
shieldn: a protective covering or structure, especially in the past, that soldiers held in front of their bodies to protect themselves
advocaten: a person who supports or suggests an idea, development, or way of doing something
supermaxadj: used to describe a high-security prison designed to house the most dangerous inmates, often characterized by strict confinement, reduced privileges, and intense surveillance
shoren: the land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad river, or other large body of water; (verb) to support by placing against something solid or rigid
massn: a large amount of a substance with no definite shape or form; a large number of people or things grouped or crowded together
lawsuitn: a legal action taken by one party against another in a court of law, typically seeking damages or some other form of remedy for perceived wrongs or harms suffered
nationalistadj: relating to or supporting a political ideology that emphasizes a strong sense of national identity and devotion to one’s own country
movementn: a group of people working together to achieve a shared goal, especially a political, social, or artistic one; the process of moving or being moved, physically or figuratively
globen: the earth or world, mainly used to emphasize its vastness
capturev: to catch a person or an animal and confine them in an area which they cannot escape
presidencyn: the office or term of the President of a country or organization
statisticsn: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
supremacyn: the state, condition, or position of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status
marchv: to walk militarily with stiff, regular steps
torchn: a portable device that produces a flame, typically one that is used to light a fire or a candle
hoodn: a covering for the head and neck, especially one attached to a garment
reckonv: to think or believe something
criminaln: a person who has committed a crime
illegaladj: not allowed by law
queeradj: strange or odd, typically in an interesting or attractive way
indigenousadj: someone or something that is native to or occurring naturally in a particular place
propertyn: a thing or things that belong to someone
banv: to officially or legally forbid or refuse to allow something
detainv: to keep someone in official custody; to prevent them from leaving
deportv: to force someone to leave a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime
imprisonv: to confine a person to a prison, a detention facility, or a place of involuntary confinement
sacrificen: the act of killing an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity; (verb) to give up something important or valuable to help another person or get or do something that seems more important
illusionn: a false idea or belief, especially about somebody or about a situation
spotn: a particular location or place; a small round or roundish area, differing in color or feels from the surface around it
decidev: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options
frankadj: honest and sincere; open and candid in expression
emotionaladj: relating to people’s feelings
impulsen: a sudden strong and unreflective wish or need to do something; the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber
responsibleadj: answerable or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management
heavenn: (of various religious and mythological traditions) a place or state of existence considered to be the abode of the divine, the afterlife, or a higher realm of being; a state of great happiness, contentment, or beauty
judgen: a person who makes decisions in a court of law; (verb) to determine the result of or form a critical opinion of something
forgivenessn: the act of stopping feeling angry or resentful towards someone for a mistake or offense with compassion
monstern: an imaginary creature that is large and has various human and animal parts; someone or something large and powerful
threatenv: to utter intentions of injury or punishment against someone
insecureadj: not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way, or not assured of safety
triggerv: to make something happen suddenly; to cause something such as a device, machine, etc. to function
aimv: to try or plan to get or achieve something
participatev: to take part in something
oppressv: to treat people in a cruel and authoritarian way, especially by denying them the same freedoms, rights, etc. as other people
healingn: the process of becoming or making somebody or something well again
fanaticadj: characterized by excessive enthusiasm or zeal; displaying irrational or extreme devotion to a cause, ideology, or person, often to the point of intolerance or extremism
demagoguen: a political leader who gains power and popularity by appealing to people’s emotions, prejudices, and biases, often by making false and misleading claims
radicalizev: to cause or become more radical in one’s beliefs or actions; to adopt or promote more extreme or uncompromising ideas or practices
wieldv: to possess and exercise power, authority, etc
releasev: to set free or allow to escape from confinement
solitaryadj: existing, living, or doing without others
confinementn: the act of confining or limiting movement, often by keeping someone in a specific place or within a specific area; a state of being physically or emotionally restricted or limited
reformn: the act of improving or correcting something that is wrong or bad; a change made to correct a flaw or problem
corruptibleadj: capable of being made to do something dishonest or immoral
departv: to go away or leave, especially to start a journey
moraladj: concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong, fairness, honesty, etc.
pragmaticadj: practical rather than idealistic
unimaginableadj: beyond what can be imagined or conceived; impossible to comprehend or envision
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
reconciliationn: the restoration of cordial or friendly relations; getting two things to correspond
griefn: a very great sadness, especially when somebody dies
feministadj: describing a belief in and advocacy for achieving gender equality in social, political, and economic spheres; advocating for the rights and empowerment of women; (noun) a person who believes in and advocates for gender equality between men and women
interventionn: the action or process of being done to improve or help a circumstance, often they have not been asked to do so
suppressv: to bring something under control by force or authority; to put an end by force
outwardadj: relating to the external appearance or surface of something; visible
inwardadj: directed or facing towards the inside; inside or inward-looking
emotionn: a strong feeling such as love, anger, etc. deriving from one’s situation, mood, or relationships with others
narcissistn: a person who is excessively self-absorbed, especially regarding their appearance or achievements
loathev: to feel strong hatred or disgust for someone or something; to be unwilling or reluctant to do something
ineffectiveadj: not producing any significant or intended effect or result
subwayn: an underground railway system, typically in a city
panicn: a sudden strong feeling of fear that cannot be controlled and prevents reasonable thought and action
executiven: a person or group of people with top-level management responsibility in a business or other organization; the branch that is responsible for implementing, administering, and enforcing laws, as well as running the day-to-day operations
violentadj: involving or caused by physical force or aggression against someone or something
cheekn: either side of the face below the eye and between the nose and the jaw
resistancen: the act of defending oneself from an aggressor or refusing to accept something
tombn: a large stone structure or underground chamber in which the dead are buried
wombn: the organ of a woman or female mammal in which a baby develops before birth
wisdomn: the quality of being wise, or the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make sensible decisions
whisperv: to speak very quietly to somebody using the breath rather than the voice so that only those close to you can hear you