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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
nickname | n: a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name | |
princess | n: the daughter of a monarch; the wife or widow of a prince; woman or girl considered to be particularly good or admirable | |
ruin | v: to damage, spoil, or demolish something; (noun) an unrecoverable state of devastation and destruction, | |
vacation | n: a period in which someone does not have to attend work or school and is free to do whatever they choose, such as travel or leisure | |
norm | n: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard | |
superpower | n: a country or nation that has significant global influence or formidable military, economic, or technological strength; a supernatural ability or force capable of extraordinary feats or feats beyond normal human capabilities | |
landscape | n: an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view; a large area of land, especially in the country and relating to its appearance | |
sew | v: to join, fasten, or repair two pieces of something by putting the thread through them with a needle | |
determinant | n: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result | |
innovative | adj: introducing or using new methods, ideas, etc. | |
profane | adj: showing disrespect towards what is considered sacred or holy; relating to secular or non-religious matters; vulgar or obscene in language or behavior | |
excrement | n: the waste matter discharged from the body, particularly that which is evacuated through the bowels or urinary tract | |
feces | n: waste matter eliminated from the bowels; excrement | |
suburb | n: an outlying district or residential area of a city or town, typically comprising middle-class and affluent neighborhoods | |
communal | adj: belonging to or used by a group rather than individuals; for common use | |
gravel | n: small stones and pebbles, often mixed with sand, used for road surfaces, concrete, landscaping, or as a decorative material | |
solid | adj: hard or firm; characterized by good substantial quality | |
marsh | n: a type of land that is always wet and has soft soil; swamp or bog | |
underground | adj: under the surface of the ground; a secret group organized to achieve a specific purpose, such as overthrowing the government or occupying a force | |
desert | n: arid land with little or no vegetation often covered with sand or rocks | |
oasis | n: a fertile land in a desert or semi-desert environment where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town | |
integrate | v: to combine one thing with another so that they form a whole or work together; to accept equal participation for members of all races and ethnic groups | |
holistic | adj: relating to or dealing with the whole of something rather than just its parts | |
loop | n: a shape like a curve or a circle made by something long and thin, such as a piece of string, that bends round and crosses itself | |
conflict | n: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals | |
quo | n: the existing state or condition of something, especially in relation to a particular situation or issue | |
sanitation | n: the process of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, particularly in public health and safety contexts; the practice of disposing of waste products in a safe and appropriate manner | |
reuse | v: to use something again or more than once | |
innovation | n: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation | |
nonprofit | adj: not established for commercial profit | |
accelerate | v: to make something faster or earlier; to cause to develop or progress more quickly | |
adoption | n: the action or fact of legally taking another’s child as one’s own; the act of accepting with approval | |
sustainable | adj: able to continue or be continued for a long time | |
develop | v: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created | |
illegal | adj: not allowed by law | |
assume | v: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance | |
increment | n: a regular increase in the amount of something, such as money; a process of becoming larger, longer, or more important | |
technique | n: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill | |
encourage | v: to give someone support, confidence, or hope; to persuade someone to do or continue to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do | |
ultimate | adj: furthest or highest in degree or order | |
innovate | v: to introduce new methods, ideas, or products | |
uncomfortable | adj: providing or feeling physical discomfort or slight pain | |
echo | n: a sound heard after being reflected off a surface, such as a wall or a cliff | |
dump | v: to deposit or dispose of something, such as trash, waste, etc., carelessly or hurriedly | |
rainwater | n: water that falls from the clouds in the form of rain and is collected | |
overflow | v: to flow or run over the edge or brim of a container or surface; to be more than enough | |
municipality | n: a city, town, or local government organization that has governing authority over a specific geographic area | |
bum | n: a person who is homeless or lives in poverty; a lazy, shiftless, or worthless person; a beggar; a person who spends time doing nothing productive | |
fertilize | v: to cause an egg, female animal, or plant to develop by joining sperm from the male with them; to add a natural or chemical substance to land to make plants grow well | |
farmland | n: land used for farming or agricultural purposes | |
incinerate | v: to burn something, especially waste material completely | |
amazing | adj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire | |
nutrient | n: any substance that is essential for the maintenance and growth of living things | |
comparable | adj: able to link the similarities or differences with others; similar or equivalent to someone or something | |
omnivore | n: a type of animal that eats both plants and animals as part of their diet; a metaphorical term used to describe a person who has wide-ranging interests or can appreciate and enjoy a variety of things | |
smoothie | n: a thick, blended beverage made from fruits, vegetables, and often other ingredients such as yogurt, milk, or protein powder; a person, typically a man, who is suave, charming, and polished | |
wastewater | n: water that contains waste substances from homes, farms, factories, etc. | |
cocktail | n: a drink, usually an alcoholic one, made by mixing one or more spirits (= strong alcoholic drinks) and fruit juice; an appetizer served as a first course at a meal | |
pharmaceutical | adj: relating to the production and selling of the medical drugs | |
hormone | n: a chemical substance made by organs that encourages or influences the development, growth, sex, etc., of an animal and is carried around the body in the blood | |
steroid | n: any of several organic compounds that are produced in the body and have important physiological effects and affect the development and growth of sex organs | |
flip | v: to turn over into a different position quickly; to throw or toss with a light motion | |
attitude | n: the way you think and feel about someone or something | |
advance | v: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way | |
enroll | v: to officially register or sign up for something, particularly a course of study, an organization, or a service | |
diet | n: the food and drink that a person, animal, or community eats and drinks regularly; a legislative assembly in certain countries, for example, Japan | |
toilet | n: a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture with a seat for defecation and urination, or a room or building containing one or more of this fixture | |
bacteria | n: single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms that exist in large numbers in the air, water, and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease | |
carbon | n: a chemical element that can be found in pure form as diamond or graphite, and it is also an essential part of coal and oil and is found in all plants and animals | |
soil | n: the top layer of Earth in which plants grow | |
bind | v: to tie or fasten someone or something tightly with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together strongly | |
mineral | n: a solid inorganic substance occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition | |
boom | n: a sudden increase in economic activity, or a sudden happening that brings good fortune; a deep, loud, and prolonged sound | |
viola | n: a stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin and tuned a fifth lower | |
chemical | adj: relating to or connected with chemistry; | |
fertilizer | n: a natural or chemical substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully | |
definition | n: a concise explanation of the meaning of a word, phrase, or symbol | |
rely | v: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed. | |
fossil | n: any preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing that has become hard and turned into rock | |
fuel | n: a substance that is typically burned to generate heat or energy | |
industrial | adj: of or relating to or resulting from industry | |
pollutant | n: a substance or agent that pollutes or contaminates the environment, typically through release into the air, water, or soil | |
contaminate | v: to make something impure, unclean, or poisonous by contact or mixture | |
cycle | n: an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; a bicycle or motorcycle | |
separate | v: to force, take, or pull apart; mark as different | |
discomfort | n: a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally or being embarrassed; a slight pain | |
calm | adj: not excited, angry, or nervous; free from wind, large waves | |
climate | n: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period | |
absorb | v: to take in a fluid or other substance gradually | |
oxide | n: a chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom and one other element | |
brave | adj: showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger, difficulty, or adversity | |
courage | n: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or despair; the quality of being brave or courageous | |
embrace | v: to accept something willingly and enthusiastically; (noun) the act of clasping another person in the arms as in greeting or affection | |
folk | n: people in general, especially those of a particular group or type | |
compost | n: a mixture of organic matter, such as food scraps, yard waste, and manure, that is allowed to decompose and is used as fertilizer for plants and garden soil | |
amendment | n: the act or the process of changing something, especially a document or proposed new law | |
mulch | n: a protective covering, often made of organic materials such as wood chips, straw, or leaves, applied to the soil around plants to suppress weed growth, retain moisture, and provide insulation | |
basin | n: a natural depression or valley that is circular or oval on the surface of the earth, especially one that has water in it; a container with a bowl form that is typically used to hold food or liquids | |
orchard | n: a piece of land that is planted with fruit trees, such as apples, pears, or cherries | |
downhill | adv: in a direction that is downward or from a higher to a lower point; in a progressively worse or deteriorating manner | |
permit | v: to allow for something to happen or be done; (noun) the act of giving a formal, usually written, authorization | |
high-rise | adj: describing a tall building or structure that has many floors or levels above the ground, often used to describe residential or commercial buildings in urban areas with multiple stories | |
residential | adj: relating to, suitable for, or used for living in | |
downtown | adv: in or towards the central area of a town or city | |
flush | v: to become red on your face, especially because you are embarrassed, angry, or hot; to rinse, clean, or empty something, especially a toilet, by causing large quantities of water to flow | |
sewer | n: an underground system of pipes used to carry away sewage and wastewater | |
mechanical | adj: operated by a machine, relating to or concerned with machinery or tools | |
thorough | adj: done completely; significantly careful and accurate | |
infiltrate | v: to enter or penetrate a group, organization, or place covertly or secretly, usually with a specific purpose or goal in mind; to spread or diffuse through something gradually or subtly | |
groundwater | n: water that is present beneath the surface of the ground, especially in soil or in pores and crevices in rock | |
surrounding | adj: that is near or around, or closely encircling something | |
infrastructure | n: the basic systems, services, or features that are necessary for an organization or country, such as transport and power supplies | |
excite | v: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager | |
open-minded | adj: willing to listen to or consider new or different ideas | |
quarter | n: one of four equal parts; a fourth part or portion | |
anew | adv: in a new or different way | |
renovate | v: to improve or restore something to a better or more modern condition; to revamp or update something old, outdated, or in disrepair | |
invest | v: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result | |
rebate | n: a partial refund of the original price paid for a product or service typically offered as a promotional incentive or to address customer dissatisfaction; a discount or reduction from the full cost of something | |
backyard | n: a whole space behind and belonging to a house | |
uncommon | adj: not occurring or seen very often; rare | |
affordable | adj: not expensive and able to pay | |
resilient | adj: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions | |
vary | v: to become different in terms of size, shape, etc. | |
drama | n: a play in a theatre, television, or radio, or performance on a stage | |
panel | n: a square or rectangular and flat piece of something that forms a distinct section or component of something; a small group of specialists who discuss particular topics or give their advice or opinion about something | |
battery | n: a device that is placed inside a car, gadget, equipment, etc. and that provides electrical power to them | |
topic | n: a subject that is being discussed or written about | |
employ | v: to give somebody a job and pay them for it; to make use of | |
wreak | v: to cause or bring about something, often as a result of harmful or destructive actions or events | |
havoc | n: widespread destruction or devastation, often caused by natural disasters, war, or other violent events | |
communicate | v: to share or exchange information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals |