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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
interact | v: to communicate or react with somebody | |
cereal | n: a type of grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn that is typically ground into flour, cooked into porridge, or used to make breakfast cereals | |
transport | n: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on | |
stunning | adj: causing a strong emotional reaction of admiration, surprise, or shock due to its beauty, rarity, or excellence | |
statistics | n: the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data | |
corporation | n: a large company or group of companies that are controlled together by law as a single unit | |
commit | v: to do something illegal or wrong | |
fraud | n: the crime of gaining money or financial benefits by deceiving people; a person who makes deceitful pretenses | |
academic | adj: associated with schools, colleges, and universities, especially studying and thinking, not with practical skills | |
detect | v: to find or recognize something, especially something difficult to see, hear, etc. | |
undetected | adj: not perceived or discovered | |
petty | adj: of little importance, trivial or insignificant; characterized by an undue concern for small details or rules; mean or spiteful in trivial matters | |
shareholder | n: a person who owns shares of stock in a company or business and therefore gets the company’s profit and has the right to control the company | |
industrious | adj: hardworking, diligent, and persistent in effort | |
feat | n: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery | |
bug | n: any tiny insect; a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine | |
claim | v: to assert that something is true; to demand or request something as one’s own; to lay legal or moral right to something; (noun) a demand or assertion of a right or something that one believes to be true | |
president | n: the leader of a republic, for example, the US; the person in charge of the organization such as a company, university, club, etc. | |
finance | n: the management of money, credit, banking, and investments, especially by a government or commercial organization; the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets | |
association | n: a people or groups of people who have joined in a single organization together for a particular purpose; a social or business connection or relationship | |
economy | n: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel | |
rely | v: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed. | |
temptation | n: the desire to do or have something that you know you should not do or have; the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire | |
engaging | adj: attracting, pleasant, or charming | |
whistleblower | n: a person who reveals or reports illegal, unethical, or immoral activities, primarily in the workplace or government, that are not publicly known but harm the public interest or other people | |
whistle | v: to make a high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small opening, usually with the lips or fingers; (noun) a piece of equipment that forces air or steam against an edge or into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound | |
journalist | n: a person who collects and writes news stories or articles for newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other online media | |
violation | n: an action that breaches a law, rule, or agreement; an infringement of rights or duties | |
conviction | n: a strong belief or opinion, especially one that is based on principles or evidence; (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed | |
insight | n: the ability to gain an accurate and deep understanding of people or situations; an accurate and deep understanding of what something is like | |
obtain | v: to get something, especially by making a great effort | |
conduct | v: to organize and carry out a particular activity | |
economical | adj: providing a satisfactory return on the money, time, or effort; not using more money, fuel, etc. than necessary | |
ethics | n: a branch of philosophy that considers what is morally right and wrong conduct; a set of beliefs about what is morally right and wrong | |
neuroscience | n: the scientific study of the function, structure, and disorder of the brain and the nervous system | |
tick | n: a light, sharp, repetitive sound or action; a mark indicating that something is correct or has been done; any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis | |
contribute | v: to give something, especially money or goods, to provide or achieve something together with other people | |
improve | v: to make or become better | |
distinct | adj: noticeable from something else of a similar type | |
vision | n: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see | |
blacksmith | n: a smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil | |
modern | adj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times | |
economics | n: the branch of social science that deals with the production, consumption, and transfer of goods and services | |
self-interest | n: the fact or action of only considering their own interests and of not caring about others | |
define | v: to state or explain precisely the nature, scope, or meaning of something | |
concept | n: an idea or principle associated with something abstract | |
immediate | adj: happening or done without delay or occurring shortly after something else | |
utility | n: the state or quality of being useful or convenient; the service, such as electric power or water or transportation, provided by a public | |
long-run | adj: relating to a period of time that is extensive or prolonged, often involving long-term planning or consequences; pertaining to a time period that extends beyond the present or near future | |
implication | n: something that is inferred or indirectly stated; the act or fact of being involved in something | |
apologize | v: to express regret for committing wrongdoing or causing a problem | |
vegetarian | n: a person who does not eat meat or fish, or often any animal products, for health or religious reasons | |
straight | adj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations | |
sausage | n: a type of meat product usually made from pork, beef, or poultry, chopped into small pieces, put in a long tube of skin, then cooked or served cold in thin slices | |
thereby | adv: as a result; consequence of a particular action or set of conditions | |
ruin | v: to damage, spoil, or demolish something; (noun) an unrecoverable state of devastation and destruction, | |
tableware | n: dishes, utensils, and other items used for serving and eating food or drink, including plates, bowls, cups, glasses, silverware, and serving pieces such as platters or trays | |
disregard | v: to pay no attention to or to ignore someone or something | |
consequence | n: the outcome of a particular action or event, especially relative to an individual | |
contrary | n: acting in opposition to what is expected or desired | |
negative | adj: having the quality of something bad or harmful; expressing refusal | |
anticipate | v: to expect or predict that something will happen; to tell in advance | |
weigh | v: to have a particular weight; to carefully evaluate things before making a conclusion | |
improvisation | n: the act of making something up on the spot or creating or performing something without preparation | |
bonus | n: an extra amount of money that is added to payment as a present or reward for good work | |
diminish | v: to reduce or be reduced in size, extent, or importance; to make something smaller, weaker, etc. | |
motivation | n: the reason or enthusiasm for acting or behaving in a particular way | |
align | v: to put or arrange two or more things in a straight line or to form a straight line | |
principle | n: a fundamental law or truth that explains or controls how something happens or works | |
similarly | adv: in almost the same way | |
reputation | n: the general opinion that people have about someone or something, especially when this is based on their previous experiences or behaviors | |
benevolence | n: the quality or any act of kindness or well-doing | |
consume | v: to spend something, especially fuel, energy, or time, in a large amount | |
context | n: the circumstances, facts, or conditions that surround a particular event, situation, or statement and that give it meaning | |
evasion | n: the act of avoiding or escaping from someone or something, such as an opponent, a pursuer, or an unpleasant situation | |
coverage | n: the reporting or news of an important event, sports, subject, etc.; the amount, range, area, or quality of something that something provides | |
profit | n: money that is earned in business or by selling things after deducting the costs involved | |
viewpoint | n: a way of thinking about a specific subject; a place from which something can be viewed, especially in an area of natural beauty | |
philosophy | n: the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind | |
superstar | n: a very famous and successful performer or athlete | |
develop | v: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created | |
independence | n: freedom from another’s or others’ control or influence | |
tasty | adj: having a strong and pleasant flavor when it is eaten | |
motto | n: a phrase or slogan that expresses a guiding principle or goal | |
incentive | n: something, such as a punishment, reward, etc., that encourages a person to do something | |
hairdo | n: a particular way of arranging or styling one’s hair; a hairstyle | |
experiment | n: the scientific test conducted to observe what happens and gain new knowledge | |
strip | v: to remove the surface from something; (noun) a sizeable narrow piece of something such as paper, metal, cloth, etc., or area of land, sea, etc. | |
confuse | v: to mistake one thing for another; to make somebody hard to understand | |
franc | n: the currency used in some countries, including Switzerland, France, and formerly Belgium | |
instruction | n: detailed direction, order, etc., on how to do or use something | |
toss | v: to throw something carelessly with a light motion | |
terminal | n: a building or place where buses, trains, or airplanes stop and where passengers or goods can be picked up or dropped off; (adjective) of or situated at the ends of a delivery route | |
rub | v: to move one’s hand or an object over the surface of something with pressure | |
announce | v: to make something known or officially inform people about something | |
anonymous | adj: having no known name, identity, or known source | |
exhibition | n: a public event or display of works of art, scientific or industrial objects, or other items of interest, usually held in a museum or art gallery | |
lab | n: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory | |
probabilistic | adj: characterized by the influence of chance or probability; involving the use of statistical models or methods to estimate likelihoods or risks | |
intuitive | adj: obtained through feelings rather than facts or proof | |
specific | adj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise | |
unlikely | adj: not probable or likely to happen | |
amazing | adj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire | |
observe | v: to watch or notice something carefully, often to gather information or insights; to take note of something or someone; to celebrate or commemorate a special event or occasion | |
distribute | v: to give something to a large number of individuals, or to spread or furnish something | |
predict | v: to state beforehand that something will happen in the future, mainly based on knowledge or experience | |
intrinsic | adj: belonging naturally; essential | |
uphold | v: to support or defend something, such as a law, idea, decision, etc. | |
withstand | v: to resist the effect or impact of something | |
consistent | adj: always behaving or happening in the same way, or having the same thoughts, standards, etc. | |
metaphor | n: a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not denote to suggest a similarity | |
beloved | adj: loved very much | |
viol | n: a stringed instrument, typically with six strings and frets, played with a bow, also called a viola da gamba | |
violate | v: to break or disrupt a rule, law, or agreement; to intrude on someone’s privacy or rights | |
quantitative | adj: relating to, measuring, or expressing in terms of quantity; involving numerical or statistical data | |
survey | n: an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, made by asking people questions | |
deviate | v: to depart from an established course or plan; to change direction or take a different route or approach | |
discount | n: a reduction in the original price of an item, product, or service; a deduction from the usual cost or value of something; (verb) to disregard or minimize the importance of something; to offer a lower price for a product or service than its original price | |
moral | adj: concerned with the principles of what is right and wrong, fairness, honesty, etc. | |
lever | n: a handle used to operate a vehicle or a machine; a rigid bar resting on a pivot so that one end of it can be pushed or pulled easily | |
appeal | n: a serious, earnest, or urgent request for money, information, or help; a quality that makes somebody or something attractive or interest | |
desirable | adj: worth having or achieving; pleasing, attractive, or sought after | |
characteristic | n: a typical feature or quality that can identify, tell apart, or describe something or somebody | |
competent | adj: having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully | |
nurture | v: to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something while they are growing and developing | |
psychology | n: the scientific study of mind and behavior | |
lifetime | n: the duration of someone’s life or something’s existence; |