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energeticadj: possessing or exerting or displaying energy
marathonn: a long-distance race of 42.195 kilometers
transformationn: a complete change in form, nature, or appearance of someone or something
occupyv: to consume all of someone’s space, attention, or time
emotionaladj: relating to people’s feelings
empowerv: to give someone the power or authority to do something
energizev: to give energy or vitality to someone or something; to invigorate
exhilaratingadj: making one feel very happy and lively; invigorating; providing a feeling of excitement or thrill
awakenv: to stop sleeping or to cause someone to stop sleeping
giantadj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are
relatev: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something
awesomeadj: inspiring fear, admiration, or respect; very good, nice, fun, etc.
excitementn: a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
drainv: to empty or dry something by removing the liquid from it
overdriven: a gear in a vehicle that allows the engine to operate at a higher speed than the vehicle’s speed, resulting in greater fuel efficiency and smoother driving; (verb) to drive or work too hard
franticadj: marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; wild; frenzied
involvev: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
constantlyadv: all the time
adaptv: to make fit for or change to suit a new purpose or environment
exhaustn: the system in a vehicle that removes waste gases from the engine; (verb) to make someone completely tired
acknowledgev: to accept or admit the existence, reality, or truth of something; to accept that someone or something has a particular authority or quality; to express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for someone’s help, commitment, etc.;
naturallyadv: as might be expected; by natural manners
resistv: to refuse to accept something and attempt to prevent it from happening
imposev: to officially force a new law, tax, duty, etc. to be obeyed or received
crisisn: a time of great disagreement, confusion, or danger when problems must be resolved or critical decisions must be taken
urgencyn: the quality of being very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
superficialadj: existing or occurring only at or on the surface; appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely
fundamentaladj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected
obstaclen: a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress
transformv: to change in outward structure or looks;
strategyn: a detailed plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal.
imperativeadj: very important or requiring attention or action
inspirev: to make somebody fill with the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm, especially to do something creative
motton: a phrase or slogan that expresses a guiding principle or goal
motivatev: to make someone want to do something, especially something that requires tremendous work and effort
broadadj: very wide; general
extraordinaryadj: exceptional, unexpected, very unusual; surpassing the ordinary or usual
undergov: to go through something unpleasant or that involves a change
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
expandv: to increase or to make something greater in size, number, or importance
additionn: the act or process of adding something to something else; the process of adding numbers
brickn: a rectangular block of baked clay used as a building material
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
innovationn: the creation of a new device or process resulting from study and experimentation
surprisinglyadv: in a way that causes amazement or wonder
headcountn: the number of employees in a company or department; the number of attendees or participants
layoffn: the temporary or permanent dismissal of employees from a company or organization due to a lack of work or financial difficulties; involuntary termination of employment
guisen: the outward appearance or aspect of someone or something, especially in a way that is different from usual or concealing the true nature
relentlessadj: persistent and determined; continuing despite difficulties or setbacks
competitionn: a situation in which someone is attempting to beat or outperform another
decisionn: the act or process of making up someone’s mind about something; a choice or judgment reached after considering options
downsizev: to reduce the size, scale, or scope of something, such as a company or organization; to decrease the number of employees or members
mediumadj: of a size, amount, or level that is average or intermediate; (noun) a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information
talentn: a natural ability to be good at something; someone who has a natural ability to be good at something
competev: to strive to achieve more success than someone or something
triathlonn: an athletic competition consisting of three different sports activities, usually swimming, cycling, and long-distance running, typically completed in immediate succession as a race
frankadj: honest and sincere; open and candid in expression
distinctadj: noticeable from something else of a similar type
remarkableadj: worthy of attention because unusual or special
techniquen: a particular way or art of doing something that needs skill
likewiseadv: in the same way
softwaren: a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data for doing particular computational jobs
recognizev: to acknowledge or realize something or someone; to identify, remember, or become aware of something that was previously known or encountered
transferv: to move, pass, or change from one person, place, or situation to another
employeen: a person who is hired to work for a business or organization in exchange for wages or salary; a worker
monitorv: to observe, check, and track the progress or quality of something over a period of time
featn: a notable or impressive achievement, especially one that requires great skill or bravery
satisfactionn: a pleasant feeling you have when you have fulfilled a desire, need, or expectation or have achieved something
resolvev: to find a suitable answer to the problems or difficulty
spotn: a particular location or place; a small round or roundish area, differing in color or feels from the surface around it
reinforcev: to strengthen or support something, especially by adding another material to it; to make emotion, idea, etc. stronger
collaboratev: to work with someone else to produce or achieve something
end-to-endadj: extending the full length of something, from one end to the other; covering the entire process or procedure without interruption or disconnect
seamlessadj: without spaces or breaks between one part and the next
overwhelmv: to defeat someone or something by using a great deal of force; to have a strong emotional effect on somebody
constantadj: happening repeatedly or all the time
instillv: to impart, introduce, or cause to be absorbed gradually
continuousadj: occurring or existing without a pause or interruption
embarkv: to go on board a ship or plane; to set out on an enterprise or subject of study; to start something
ambitiousadj: having a great desire to attain achievement, power, or wealth
silon: a tall, cylindrical structure, usually made of concrete or steel, that is used for storing grain, feed, or other dry materials; a system or structure that is isolated or separate from others
internaladj: of or relating to the inside of something
conduciveadj: tending to make something likely or possible
head-onadj: occurring or done directly, without any intermediaries or avoidance; confronting or facing something directly, without any evasion or compromise
rallyv: a public meeting of a group of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
visionn: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see
shiftingadj: constantly changing or moving
mindsetn: the established set of attitudes or fixed ideas held by someone
shiftn: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend
specificallyadv: only associated with or meant for one thing
milestonen: an important event or stage in the development or progress of something; a stone by the side of a road to show distances
capturev: to catch a person or an animal and confine them in an area which they cannot escape
inclusiveadj: including much or everything, and especially including stated limits; not excluding any of the people, things, ideas, etc. involved in something
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
bayn: a part of the coast that is partially enclosed by land; a compartment or section of a ship or building
leaguen: an association of sports teams who compete against each other; an obsolete unit of distance of variable length, equal to about 3 miles or 4,000 meters
championshipn: a contest to decide who is the best player or team in a particular sport; the act of providing approval and support
warriorn: a person who engaged in or experienced warfare, especially in the past
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
outsetn: the beginning of something
engagev: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something
environmentn: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live
debaten: a formal discussion or argument of opposing viewpoints, often to persuade others to adopt a specific position; a public discussion, often on an issue of current interest, in which participants offer opinions and differing perspectives
solicitv: to ask for something, especially in an urgent or pleading manner; to seek something through entreaty
lineupn: the schedule of programs for a particular event; a list of people brought together to form a team or take part in an event
boldadj: brave, daring, and confident; not frightened of danger or afraid to say what you feel or to take risks
pivotaladj: relating to or acting as a pivot or central point; crucial or essential to the success or outcome of something
victoryn: success in a game, competition, election, or battle, or the knowledge that you have won
assistantn: someone who helps or supports someone else to do a job
nickn: a small cut, notch, or indentation in a surface or an edge
implementv: to put a decision, plan, or system into effect
afterwardadv: after the time mentioned
creditorn: a person, company, etc. to whom a debtor owes money
consistentadj: always behaving or happening in the same way, or having the same thoughts, standards, etc.