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cancern: abnormal growth of cells that can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs; a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
invasiveadj: spreading very quickly, and often aggressively, and difficult to stop
resistantadj: not affected by something, especially changes or new ideas; of or relating to immunity to disease or infection
defyv: to challenge or dare someone to do something; to resist or disobey a rule, decision, etc.
medicaladj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine
engineern: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software
molecularadj: of or relating to molecules (= a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds)
excitingadj: causing a lot of interest or excitement
aggressiveadj: behaving in an angry, energetic, or threatening way towards another person; tending to spread quickly
diseasen: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems
fortunateadj: having good luck or lucky
relativeadj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else
surgeryn: medical treatment of injuries or diseases involving an incision with instruments and often removing or replacing some parts of the body; the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures
tumorn: a mass of diseased tissue that forms when cells in the body divide and grow in an uncontrolled way
survivev: to live or exist despite a dangerous event or period
onslaughtn: a fierce or violent attack; a sudden and intense outburst of something, usually negative
villainn: a character in a story, movie, or play which often opposes the hero, typically characterized as immoral, evil, or cruel
comicadj: funny and making you laugh
adaptableadj: able or willing to modify or be modified to deal with new situations
superpowern: a country or nation that has significant global influence or formidable military, economic, or technological strength; a supernatural ability or force capable of extraordinary feats or feats beyond normal human capabilities
geneticadj: of or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) or the science of genes
mutationn: the way in which genes of a person, plant, animal, or other organism change and produce permanent differences
modifyv: to change something slightly, such as a plan, option, law, etc., especially to make it more suitable for a particular purpose
encodev: to convert information into a code or format suitable for storage or transmission
survivaln: the state of continuing to exist or live, frequently in the face of difficulty or danger
chemotherapyn: the treatment of disease, particularly cancer, using special drugs that have a toxic effect on cancer cells; frequently used in conjunction with other therapies such as surgery and radiation
spitv: to eject saliva or other liquid from the mouth
mutantn: an organism that has characteristics resulting from a mutation (= alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome)
incredibleadj: unbelievable; enormous
moleculen: a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds
RNAn: (an acronym for Ribonucleic Acid) a type of nucleic acid molecule present in living cells, which plays a crucial role in various biological processes, such as coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genes
sequencen: a series of related events, actions, numbers, etc., which have a particular order
specificadj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise
discoveryn: the act or process of finding information, a place, or an object, or learning about something that was previously not known
excitev: to make someone feel suddenly enthusiastic or eager
medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
exposedadj: having no protection or shield from something, such as bad weather, attack, or criticism
enzymen: a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction
residev: to live in a particular place, typically for a prolonged period of time
bloodstreamn: the blood flowing through the body
tissuen: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function
degradev: to make something worse, especially in quality; to show or treat someone in a way that makes them seem no value and do not have the respect or reasonable opinion of others
strategyn: a detailed plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal.
silentadj: without any or little sound
whopv: to strike forcefully; to beat or batter
chemon: short for chemotherapy, a treatment for cancer that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells
penetratev: to pass into or through something, often by overcoming resistance
nanoparticlen: a particle of matter that is between 1 and 100 nanometres (nm) in diameter
capsulen: a small, enclosed container often used for holding medicines or supplements or for transporting payloads in spacecraft; a small, elongated structure within the body, such as a joint or a gland
poisonn: a substance that can cause illness, injury, or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin; something harmful, malicious, or toxic; the act of damaging or ruining a relationship; (verb) to introduce a substance into something or someone harmful and potentially deadly
wrapv: to cover or enclose something entirely with paper, cloth, or other material
nanoscaleadj: on a scale that can be measured in nanometres (= one billionth of a meter); on a very small scale
blanketn: a large piece of soft material used to cover or wrap a person or thing to keep them warm; (adjective) broad in scope or content
negativeadj: having the quality of something bad or harmful; expressing refusal
positv: to suggest or accept something as fact or as a basis for argument or consideration
polymern: a substance composed of macromolecules (= large groups of atoms) made from many smaller and simpler molecules
oppositionn: the act of disagreeing or resisting; the state of strong disagreement
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
attractionn: a sense of like someone, particularly sexually; something that causes individuals to desire to go to a specific area or do a specific activity
obstaclen: a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress
deployv: to move troops or weapons into a position or military action; to bring into something in an effective way
immuneadj: protected against a particular disease or toxin due to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells
defendv: to protect someone or something from attack, criticism, danger, etc.
belongv: to be the property of someone or something; to be a member or part of a group; to be in the proper or appropriate place
destroyv: to ruin or damage severely or completely; to eradicate or eliminate completely
eliminatev: to remove or get rid of someone or something
sneakv: to go somewhere, or take someone or something somewhere secretly or stealthily; to steal or do something secretly or stealthily
mechanismn: a part of a machine, or a set of parts that performs a task; a natural or established process that occurs during a specific situation or reaction
ridv: to make someone or something free of unwanted or unpleasant tasks, objects, or person
disguisev: to hide or alter someone’s appearance to deceive or mislead others
naturallyadv: as might be expected; by natural manners
hydratev: to add water or moisture to something; to drink enough fluids to maintain proper moisture; (noun) any compound that contains water of crystallization
sacchariden: a simple sugar or carbohydrate; any compound that can be hydrolyzed to yield sugars
invisibleadj: impossible or nearly impossible to see
cloakn: a type of loose, outer garment worn over the shoulders and fastened at the neck, often with a hood; something that covers or conceals something else; a mask or disguise
bindv: to tie or fasten someone or something tightly with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together strongly
specificallyadv: only associated with or meant for one thing
boundv: to move forward by leaps and bounds; to form the boundary of something
disabledadj: having a physical or mental condition that limits someone’s specific actions that most other people can do
efficientlyadv: in a way that produces maximum output with minimum effort or expense
sufficientadj: adequate; enough for a particular purpose or requirement
sweepv: to clean something, especially a floor or an area, by using a broom; move swiftly and smoothly
nanostructuren: a structure that falls in between microscopic and molecular in size
particlen: a small piece of something; a word or piece of a term with grammatical function but little or no significance
tripleadj: consisting of three items or people; three times as great or many
breastn: either of the two round soft parts of a woman’s chest which secrete milk after childbirth
exhibitv: to show something in public for people to enjoy or to provide them with information
doxingn: the act of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, often with malicious intent
combinationn: a collection of things that have been combined; an assemblage of separate parts or qualities
layern: a sheet, quantity, or thickness of the material, typically one of several, covering a surface or body; a level or part within a system or set of ideas
pumpv: to cause water, air, gas, etc. to move from one place to another by using mechanical equipment; to get or supply something such as money, information, etc. in significant quantities
regressv: to move or develop backward; to return to an earlier or less advanced state or condition; to decline or deteriorate
patientn: a person who is receiving medical treatment, care, or attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; a personal quality or characteristic
determinantn: a factor, circumstance, or condition that contributes to the shaping, influencing, or determining of a particular outcome or result
ovaryn: either of the pair of organs in the female reproductive system that produces eggs; (of a plant) the organ that bears the ovules of a flower
strikev: to wallop somebody or something with the hand, fist, or weapon; to have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
chordn: a straight line connecting two points on a curve; a combination of three or more musical notes played or sung at the same time
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
defeatv: to win against somebody in a fight, war, or attempt
survivorn: a person who remains alive after an event in which others have died
inspirev: to make somebody fill with the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm, especially to do something creative
optimismn: a feeling or the belief that good things will happen, or the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the positive aspects of a situation
strengthn: the quality or state of being physically, or sometimes mentally, strong
displayv: to exhibit or show something to others, often to attract attention or demonstrate its features, properties, or value
couragen: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or despair; the quality of being brave or courageous
elegantadj: pleasing and graceful in appearance or manner, or showing good taste and refinement
possibilityn: a chance that something may happen or be true
neurologicaladj: of or relating to the science of neurology or the nervous system
disordern: an untidy state or a lack of organization; a physical condition or illness that causes problems with how a section of the body or brain functions
infectiousadj: able to be passed quickly from one person, animal, or plant to another, especially through air or water
chemicaladj: relating to or connected with chemistry;
healv: to make a wound or injury to become well again