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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
disease | n: a disorder or illness that affects the body or mind, often characterized by specific symptoms or abnormal functioning of organs or systems | |
sink | v: to submerge or go down below the surface of a liquid or substance; to decline or deteriorate; to cause something to go down into a liquid substance or sink into something else | |
tremble | v: to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, for example, because you are frightened, angry, or excited, or because of illness | |
drool | v: to allow saliva to drip or flow out of the mouth involuntarily, usually as a result of excitement, anticipation, or illness; to express excessive admiration or desire for something | |
swallow | v: to make food, drink, pills, etc., pass down your throat into your stomach; (noun) small long-winged songbird noted for swift, graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations | |
surgeon | n: a doctor who is trained to perform medical operations that involve cutting open a person’s body | |
transplant | v: to move or transfer something from one place or person to another; to take living tissue or an organ from one person, animal, part of the body, etc. and put it into or onto another | |
brand | n: a type of product, service, etc., made by a particular company and sold under a specific name; identification mark on the skin of livestock, criminals, etc., made by burning | |
neuron | n: a cell that is specialized to carry information within the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body | |
brain | n: the organ inside the head that is responsible for one’s movement, thought, memory, and feeling | |
on-demand | adj: available as needed or requested, often referring to products or services that can be accessed or delivered instantly or with minimal delay | |
functional | adj: designed for or capable of a particular activity, purpose, or task; practical or ready for use or service | |
fiction | n: the type of book or story, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people; anything made up or imagined that is not true | |
stem | n: the central part of something from which other parts can develop or grow; the part of a word common to all its inflected variants; (verb) to grow out of, have roots in, or originate in | |
generate | v: to produce or create something; to make offspring by reproduction | |
immune | adj: protected against a particular disease or toxin due to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells | |
unlikely | adj: not probable or likely to happen | |
reject | v: to refuse to accept, consider, or use something or someone | |
breakthrough | n: a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem | |
intersection | n: a point where two or more roads, lines, etc., cross each other | |
biology | n: the scientific study of life and the natural processes of living things | |
laser | n: a device that emits powerful and narrow light that can be used as a tool to cut metal through a process of optical amplification | |
physics | n: the science of matter and energy and their interactions | |
absolute | adj: perfect or complete or to the most considerable degree possible | |
miracle | n: an act or occurrence that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore believed to be caused by God | |
trillion | n: the number 1,000,000,000,000; a million million | |
synchronicity | n: the simultaneous occurrence of seemingly unrelated events that are connected in a meaningful way, suggesting the presence of a deeper, more significant pattern or purpose | |
pump | v: to cause water, air, gas, etc. to move from one place to another by using mechanical equipment; to get or supply something such as money, information, etc. in significant quantities | |
dopamine | n: a chemical substance produced by nerve cells as a neurotransmitter; as a drug, it is used to treat shock and hypotension | |
sag | v: to droop or hang down, especially due to a lack of support or the weight of something | |
cartilage | n: a tough, elastic connective tissue that is found in various parts of the body, such as the joints, the outer ear, and the tip of the nose | |
tick | n: a light, sharp, repetitive sound or action; a mark indicating that something is correct or has been done; any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis | |
bomb | n: a weapon that explodes and is used to kill or injure people or to cause damage to something | |
diabetes | n: a medical condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin to control the glucose levels in the blood | |
pancreas | n: a glandular organ in the digestive system that produces several important hormones, including insulin and glucagon, as well as digestive enzymes that help break down food in the small intestine | |
unfortunately | adv: by bad luck; unluckily | |
engineer | n: a person whose job is designing, building, or maintaining something such as machines, structures, or software | |
fundamental | adj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected | |
relate | v: to establish a connection or association between two or more things; to narrate or tell about an event, experience, or relationship; to empathize or feel sympathy with someone or something | |
involve | v: to include or affect someone or something as a necessary part of something else | |
chemical | adj: relating to or connected with chemistry; | |
process | n: a series of actions or operations performed to achieve a particular outcome or goal; a systematic procedure or approach used to accomplish a specific task or objective; a method of treating milk to make it suitable for consumption or use in other dairy products | |
messy | adj: disorganized and untidy | |
liver | n: a large organ in the body, involved in many metabolic processes, such as detoxification of the organism, and the synthesis of proteins | |
random | adj: made, done, or happening without method, conscious decision, or any regular pattern | |
institute | n: an organization that has a specific purpose, particularly one dealing with science, education, or a particular profession; (verb) to initiate, introduce, or establish something | |
bench | n: a long, flat surface, often elevated and supported by legs, used for sitting, working, or displaying objects; persons who administer justice | |
evaluate | v: to assess or estimate the quality, significance, quantity, or value of something | |
unwanted | adj: not wanted or desired | |
tedious | adj: tiresome or boring because of being repetitive, dull, or too long; causing mental or physical fatigue due to its unrelenting nature | |
donor | n: a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, food, supplies, etc. to a cause or fund; in medicine, a person who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person | |
immunosuppressant | n: a drug that lowers or stops the body’s normal immune response | |
elderly | adj: (a polite word for) old | |
individual | n: a single person or thing, as distinct from a group | |
genetic | adj: of or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) or the science of genes | |
background | n: the details of a person’s social heritage, such as family, vocational or educational experience; past information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem | |
cofounder | n: one of several people who establishes an organization or starts a business | |
unclear | adj: poorly stated or described and therefore not easy to understand; not easy to perceive | |
regardless | adv: not paying attention or considering something or someone even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties | |
opportune | adj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose | |
medicinal | adj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease | |
affordable | adj: not expensive and able to pay | |
scalable | adj: capable of being easily expanded or increased in size, number, or scale to meet changing demands | |
automated | adj: carried out by machines or computers to replace or decrease human labor | |
differ | v: to be not like someone or something in some way | |
decide | v: to make up someone’s mind about something; to come to a conclusion or judgment after considering options | |
die-hard | adj: (of a person) extremely loyal, dedicated, or enthusiastic; unwilling to give up | |
fan | n: a person who admires and supports a person, group, sport, sports team, etc.; a device for creating a current of air by the movement of a surface or surfaces | |
gaze | v: to stare at something or someone for an extended time, usually out of surprise or adoration, or because you are thinking about something else | |
daydreaming | n: the act of thinking about something that you would prefer to be doing or have happened to you | |
weird | adj: extraordinary, unexpected, or difficult to explain | |
eventually | adv: finally, particularly after a long time or a lot of struggle, complications, and so on | |
universal | adj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone | |
lab | n: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research; a laboratory | |
dabble | v: to engage in an activity in a casual or superficial way; to dip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid | |
amaze | v: to fill with wonder, surprise, or admiration | |
precise | adj: sharply exact or accurate or delimited | |
stir | v: to mix a liquid or substance by using a spoon or something similar; to cause to be agitated, excited, or roused | |
contrast | v: to put in opposition to show or emphasize differences | |
interval | n: a period between two events or times; a short break or pause | |
identify | v: to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are | |
zap | v: to strike, destroy, get rid of, or kill something or someone suddenly and with force | |
cassette | n: a small, rectangular plastic case containing magnetic tape used to record and playback audio or data on devices such as tape players or recorders; a pre-recorded tape containing music, speech, or other sound recordings | |
prune | n: a dried plum that has a black, wrinkled appearance; (verb) to cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially to encourage growth | |
stack | n: a pile of something arranged or laid one on top of another; a large tall chimney through which combustion gases and smoke can be evacuated | |
nurse | n: a healthcare professional who is trained to provide care for the sick or injured; (verb) to try to cure by special care or treatment of an illness or injury | |
cord | n: a strong, thick, or thin thread or rope; a piece of plastic-coated wire used to transport electricity to a piece of equipment | |
cultivation | n: the process of preparing and using land for growing crops or plants, often involving tilling, fertilizing, and irrigating the soil; the act of fostering or developing something, such as a skill, talent, or idea | |
medical | adj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine | |
develop | v: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created | |
immediate | adj: happening or done without delay or occurring shortly after something else | |
implant | v: to insert or fix an artificial device in a person’s body; to put an idea, attitude, etc., firmly in the mind | |
nation | n: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture | |
clinical | adj: of or relating to the examination and treatment of patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies | |
derive | v: to obtain or receive something from a source | |
therapy | n: the act of caring for someone through medication, remedial training, etc. | |
blind | adj: unable to see; unable or unwilling to perceive or understand the true nature of something | |
treatment | n: the way in which someone deals with or behaves towards someone or something; medical care provided to a patient for an injury or illness. | |
longevity | n: the property of being long-lived; significant duration of service | |
possibility | n: a chance that something may happen or be true | |
tissue | n: an ensemble of similar cells of the animal or plant that together carry out a specific function | |
revolutionize | v: to bring about a complete or radical change in something, often through the introduction of new methods or ideas | |
pharmaceutical | adj: relating to the production and selling of the medical drugs | |
degree | n: a unit of measurement for angles, temperature, or level of proficiency or achievement; a rank or level of academic or professional attainment | |
miniature | adj: being on a very small scale | |
replica | n: an exact copy of something such as a work of art | |
chip | n: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; a long and thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat | |
fantastic | adj: extremely good; excellent | |
pharmacy | n: a place where medicines are prepared and dispensed; a drugstore or chemist’s | |
regenerative | adj: tending to regrow or restore lost or injured tissue |