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medicinaladj: of or relating to the treatment or cure of disease
reliableadj: worthy of being relied on; trustworthy
criticn: someone who expresses opinions about the quality of books, music, etc.
sustainableadj: able to continue or be continued for a long time
sub-Saharanadj: of or relating to or situated in the area south of the Sahara Desert
instancen: a particular example or single occurrence of something
usableadj: able to be used; fit or ready for use or service
investv: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or achieve a result
estimatev: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
maintainv: to continue to uphold or sustain; to keep in a particular state or condition; to assert or declare something to be true
infrastructuren: the basic systems, services, or features that are necessary for an organization or country, such as transport and power supplies
ecologyn: the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment
footprintn: a mark of a foot, shoe, or animal’s foot left on a surface
congestv: to make something blocked or crowded so as to hinder or prevent freedom of movement or flow of liquid
advancev: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way
leapfrogn: a children’s game in which players take turns jumping over each other’s stooped backs
nationn: a large organized community of people living in a particular country or region and having a particular culture
telecomn: (a shortened form of telecommunications) the communication of information over long distances through various means such as phones, television, radio, and the internet
transportn: a system for moving people or products from one location to another using automobiles, roads, and so on
scenarion: a description of possible actions or events in the future; a written outline of a play, film, or literary work
maternaladj: relating to or characteristic of a mother; having feelings that are typical of a caring mother towards her child
wardn: a room in a hospital for patients requiring special care
urgentadj: requiring immediate attention or action; pressing
medicationn: a drug or other form of medicine that treats, prevents, or alleviates the symptoms of the disease
immediatelyadv: now or without delay
autonomousadj: capable of governing or controlling its affairs
payloadn: the amount of cargo or goods that a vehicle or equipment is designed to carry or transport; in computing, the amount of data that can be transmitted over a communication system
distancen: the amount of space between two points, measured in units such as miles, meters, or kilometers; the extent, scope, or range between two things, such as distance or emotional distance
continentn: one of the earth’s large landmasses; (adjective) abstaining from your feelings, especially your desire to have sex
flexibleadj: able to change or be changed to suit new conditions or situations; able to bend easily
automatedadj: carried out by machines or computers to replace or decrease human labor
swapv: to give something and receive something in trade
batteryn: a device that is placed inside a car, gadget, equipment, etc. and that provides electrical power to them
eventuallyadv: finally, particularly after a long time or a lot of struggle, complications, and so on
quadn: (short for quadrangle) a square or rectangular open area or courtyard, often surrounded by buildings or used for recreational or social purposes
trespassv: to enter someone’s private property without permission or legal authority; to infringe upon or violate someone’s rights, boundaries, or personal space
developv: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created
stickv: to put something, usually a sharp object, into something; to restrict yourself to doing or using one certain thing and not change; (noun) a thin piece of wood or other material
trafficn: the movement of vehicles, people, or goods along a route or through a transport system; the amount of such movement in a particular place or at a particular time
navigatev: to plan and direct the way that a ship, plane, etc. will travel, often by using a map
equipv: to provide a person or a place with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity
automaticadj: able to work or operate with little or no direct human control; independent of external control
exchangev: to give something and receive something else in return, often with the implication that the items being traded are of equal or comparable value; (noun) the act of giving or taking something in return for something else; a place or system where goods or services can be bought, sold, or traded
mechanismn: a part of a machine, or a set of parts that performs a task; a natural or established process that occurs during a specific situation or reaction
dockn: a structure or platform that extends from the shoreline into a body of water, used for loading and unloading ships or boats; an enclosed area of water used as a basin for shipping or pleasure boats; a place where a ship can be repaired or maintained
automaticallyadv: without needing a direct human control
locatev: to specify or determine the exact position of someone or something
vulnerableadj: capable of being hurt or influenced physically or mentally
reliabilityn: the quality of being able to be trusted or believed in doing what someone desires or requires
perspectiven: a confident attitude toward something; a particular style of thinking about something
fulfillv: to meet the requirements or expectations; to achieve or realize
requirementn: something that is needed or wanted
commercen: the activity of buying and selling things, especially on a large scale
hubn: the central or main part of a particular place, activity, network, etc.; the central part of a car wheel, fan, propeller, etc., through which the shaft or axle passes
componentn: one of several parts that combines with others to form something bigger
monitorv: to observe, check, and track the progress or quality of something over a period of time
optimizev: to make the best or most effective use of something
adverseadj: unfavorable or harmful
fleev: to leave by running away, especially out of fear or danger
medicaladj: relating to the treatment of illness or injuries; relating to the practice of medicine
deliveryn: the act of taking or sending something to a destination; the bringing of a baby during childbirth
earthquaken: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of rock beneath the earth’s surface
climaten: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period
sturdyadj: physically strong and not easily damaged
sandyadj: covered with or containing sand; (especially of hair color) pale yellowish to yellowish brown
counterintuitiveadj: contrary to what common sense would suggest
expendv: to use or spend time, money, energy, etc.
clinicn: a building or hospital department where people can go for medical care or advice, especially of a particular condition
analyzev: to think about in-depth and evaluate to discover essential features or meaning
spann: the entire length of something, such as time or space from beginning to end; the amount of space that something covers
roughlyadv: approximately but not precisely; with a violent manner
normn: something that is regarded as usual, typical, or standard
paradigmn: a standard or typical example of something; a pattern or model
decentralizev: to move the power, control, or authority of an organization, government, or system from a single place to several smaller ones
peern: a person who has the same age, status, or ability
bidirectionaladj: capable of functioning or moving in two opposite directions; involving or allowing communication or transmission in two opposite directions
adaptableadj: able or willing to modify or be modified to deal with new situations
spectrumn: an ordered array of colors into which a light beam can be split
megacityn: a huge city, especially with a population of more than 10 million people
amazingadj: extremely surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire
urbanizationn: the process of population growth and physical expansion of cities, often involving increased migration from rural areas and the development of urban infrastructure and culture
trendn: a general direction in which something is changing or developing
inefficientadj: lacking the ability or skill and not making the best use of time, money, energy, etc.
initiallyadv: at the beginning; at first
lightweightadj: composed of thinner and lighter material than average; not severe or impressive
modernadj: of or belonging to the present time or recent times
ultimateadj: furthest or highest in degree or order
scalableadj: capable of being easily expanded or increased in size, number, or scale to meet changing demands
backgroundn: the details of a person’s social heritage, such as family, vocational or educational experience; past information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem
crazyadj: stupid or not sensible; very angry
engagev: to attract and keep someone’s attention and interest; to participate in or obtain services of something
dronen: a low continuous humming noise; someone who takes more time than necessary; a pilot-less aerial vehicle that is operated by remote control
unpopularadj: not liked, supported, or approved by many people; having an unfavorable reputation
unpleasantadj: not enjoyable or comfortable
conflictn: a strong disagreement, argument, or a violent clash between two opposing groups or individuals
vaccinen: a substance that is put into the body and protects them from disease by causing them to produce antibodies (= proteins that attack harmful bacteria, viruses, etc.)
unfairadj: not giving equal treatment or opportunities to people involved; marked by injustice, partiality, or deception
advantagen: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position; a beneficial feature or asset that someone or something has
tuberculosisn: an infectious disease usually caused by tubercle bacteria that can attack many parts of a person’s body, especially their lungs
epidemicn: the widespread outbreak of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time
platformn: the raised flat space close to the track at a train station where passengers get on or off the train; (technology) a computational or digital environment in which a piece of software is executed
economyn: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel
transactionn: an instance of buying or selling something; the act or process of doing something
liftv: to raise something to a higher position or level; to pick up something or somebody and move them to a different position
povertyn: the condition of being extremely poor
emergingadj: starting to exist, mature, or become well-known
livableadj: capable of being lived in comfortably and sustainably; suitable for human habitation
fictionn: the type of book or story, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people; anything made up or imagined that is not true
firmadj: resolute or unwavering in decision-making or action; strong or secure in structure, make, or composition; reliable, trustworthy, or dependable; (noun) a business or company