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Word | Meaning | Advanced |
achieve | v: to successfully complete a task or goal, often through hard work, perseverance, and dedication; to attain or accomplish something that one has set out to do | |
gender | n: the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them, especially when considering social and cultural differences rather than differences in biology | |
halt | v: to bring or come to a stop; to force to stop moving or operating | |
climate | n: the weather in a particular location averaged over some long period | |
government | n: the group of people with authority to control a country or state | |
develop | v: to grow or expand; to improve or refine through a process of progress and refinement, often to achieve greater sophistication or complexity; to elaborate or add detail to something that is in the process of being created | |
massive | adj: enormous amount; very heavy and solid | |
consult | v: to seek or get advice or information from a person, book, or other source having special knowledge on a particular subject | |
vision | n: the ability to think about or see the future with imagination and intelligence; the faculty of being able to see | |
shocking | adj: extremely or surprisingly bad, or causing a strong emotional response such as surprise or disgust | |
fanciful | adj: characterized by or involving imaginative and unrealistic ideas or concepts; existing or perceived only in the imagination | |
backward | adv: at, to, or toward the direction or place that is behind or rear | |
frank | adj: honest and sincere; open and candid in expression | |
skeptical | adj: doubting that something is accurate or useful | |
grand | adj: important and large in size, scope, or extent | |
announcement | n: a public statement or declaration, often made in writing or through the media, that conveys important information or news | |
invite | v: to ask someone to come or join; to offer an opportunity or possibility for something to happen or take place | |
suspend | v: to stop something from continuing or being in force or effect, either temporarily or permanently; to hang something freely | |
disbelief | n: the feeling of not being able to believe or accept that something is true or real | |
millennium | n: a span of 1000 years, or the 1000th anniversary (plural: millennia) | |
halve | v: to divide something into two equal parts; to reduce something by half its original amount or size | |
proportion | n: a part, share, or amount of something considered in comparative relation to a whole | |
poverty | n: the condition of being extremely poor | |
baseline | n: a starting point or minimum for comparing facts; the back line bounding each end of a tennis or handball court | |
exceed | v: to surpass or go beyond a limit, expectation, or requirement; to be better or greater than anticipated or desired | |
pessimism | n: a tendency to see the worst in things and anticipate adverse outcomes; a belief that the world is generally bad or that something will go wrong more often than it will go right | |
doomsayer | n: a person who predicts or warns of disaster, calamity, or the end of the world; a pessimist or a prophet of doom | |
economy | n: the system by which a country or region produces manages, and distributes goods and services, including the money and finances involved in these activities; (of an airline) the lowest-priced, most basic option for seating in commercial travel | |
reduction | n: a decrease in size, amount, or degree | |
benchmark | n: a standard or reference point used for comparison or evaluation; a point of reference for measuring progress or performance | |
AI | n: (abbreviation for artificial intelligence) the theory and development of computer systems capable of doing activities that would ordinarily need human intelligence, such as object recognition, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation | |
ambitious | adj: having a great desire to attain achievement, power, or wealth | |
complicated | adj: involving a lot of different things or parts in a way that is difficult to understand or analyze | |
indicator | n: something that shows or points out what a situation is like or how a situation is changing | |
specific | adj: clearly defined or particular to a certain thing or situation; distinct, explicit, and precise | |
vague | adj: not clearly expressed or understood | |
promote | v: to encourage or persuade people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank | |
peaceful | adj: not involving violence, conflict, or war | |
tolerant | adj: accepting different views, beliefs, or practices without judgment or interference | |
progression | n: the act or process of changing to the next stage or phase or moving forward | |
index | n: a list of items, such as names, subjects, or keywords, that is arranged in a particular order and is usually found at the end of a book or document; a number or symbol that indicates the value or level of something, such as a stock index or a temperature index | |
fundamental | adj: forming an essential base or core from which everything else develops or is affected | |
survival | n: the state of continuing to exist or live, frequently in the face of difficulty or danger | |
shelter | n: a structure built to protect from poor weather, danger, or attack; (verb) to protect or shield from harm or adversity, particularly relating to environmental conditions or danger | |
secondly | adv: used to introduce the second point or item in a list or series of statements, considerations, etc. | |
sustainable | adj: able to continue or be continued for a long time | |
environment | n: the natural world such as air, water, and land in which humans, animals, and plants live | |
opportune | adj: suitable or happening at a time that is suitable or convenient for a particular purpose | |
improve | v: to make or become better | |
discriminate | v: to treat a person or particular group of people worse or better than another, especially in an unfair way; to recognize or perceive the difference between people or things | |
advance | v: to go or move forward; to develop in a positive way | |
aggregate | n: a collection or sum of different things often used to describe a total or combination of items | |
diversity | n: the quality or fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people | |
republic | n: a state or country in which the people and their elected representatives hold supreme power and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch | |
concrete | adj: existing in a physical or material form rather than an abstract one; based on facts rather than ideas or guesses; made of or covered with cement | |
estimate | v: to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something | |
giant | adj: enormous; much bigger or more important than similar items usually are | |
leap | v: to jump or spring into the air, often with the feet leaving the ground or a surface below; to move quickly or suddenly, often forward or upward | |
well-being | n: the state of being happy and healthy and prosperous | |
calculate | v: to judge or find out the amount or number of something by using mathematics | |
relation | n: the way two persons or groups of people feel and act toward one another | |
chart | n: a visual display of information such as a diagram, lists of figures, etc.; a map designed to assist navigation by air or sea | |
vertical | adj: upright or perpendicular to a horizontal surface or line | |
axis | n: a real or imaginary straight line through a body or figure around which the object turns; a group of countries in special alliance | |
horizontal | adj: parallel to the ground or in a baseline; being at the same level as all members of a group | |
capita | n: a Latin word meaning “head,” used to express the amount for each person; any head or headlike expansion on a structure, as on a bone | |
represent | v: to speak, act, or be present on behalf of another person or group; to form or constitute | |
dot | n: a very small circular mark, especially one that is printed | |
regress | v: to move or develop backward; to return to an earlier or less advanced state or condition; to decline or deteriorate | |
forecast | n: a prediction or statement about how something, such as the weather, will develop or what will happen in the future; (verb) to predict the future in advance | |
agriculture | n: the practice or science of cultivating the land or raising stock | |
economical | adj: providing a satisfactory return on the money, time, or effort; not using more money, fuel, etc. than necessary | |
crunch | n: a loud, crackling noise made by something being crushed or broken; a difficult or critical situation | |
wealth | n: a large amount of money, property, or other things that someone or an organization owns | |
victim | n: a person who has been harmed, injured, or otherwise negatively affected by a particular action, circumstance, or event | |
obesity | n: the condition of being significantly overweight, typically defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. | |
trend | n: a general direction in which something is changing or developing | |
destiny | n: the events that will inevitably happen to a particular person or thing in the future | |
underperform | v: to perform less successfully or effectively than expected, needed, or desired; to fail to meet one’s own or others’ expectations or standards | |
relative | adj: considered and evaluated through comparison with something else | |
boom | n: a sudden increase in economic activity, or a sudden happening that brings good fortune; a deep, loud, and prolonged sound | |
headway | n: forward movement or progress made despite obstacles or resistance; clearance or space in which to move forward | |
toilet | n: a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture with a seat for defecation and urination, or a room or building containing one or more of this fixture | |
prioritize | v: to assign a higher level of importance to something compared to other things | |
modest | adj: having or showing a humble estimate of one’s merits, importance, etc.; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions | |
slave | n: a person who is, either legally or illegally, owned by someone; a person entirely dominated by some influence or a person | |
rely | v: to require a specific thing or the assistance and support of someone or something to continue, run properly, or succeed. | |
assume | v: to think or accept something to be true without having proof of it; to take or begin to have power; to begin to exhibit a specific quality or appearance | |
optimistic | adj: hoping or expecting that good thing will happen or something will be successful | |
bold | adj: brave, daring, and confident; not frightened of danger or afraid to say what you feel or to take risks | |
flood | n: a large amount of water flowing beyond its normal limits; an overwhelming number or amount | |
tide | n: the cyclical rise and fall of sea level caused by the moon’s gravitational pull | |
yacht | n: a large, luxurious sailing vessel or motorboat that is often used for pleasure cruises, racing, or other leisure activities | |
historic | adj: famous or significant in history, or potentially so | |
dismiss | v: to regard something or someone as not important and not worth considering; to terminate someone’s employment | |
slide | v: to move or cause to move smoothly along a surface without interruption | |
framework | n: the structural components of a building or object that support its weight and give it form; the underlying structure of a system, concept, or text | |
grade | n: a particular level of quality, size, importance, etc. | |
fulfill | v: to meet the requirements or expectations; to achieve or realize | |
reject | v: to refuse to accept, consider, or use something or someone | |
emerging | adj: starting to exist, mature, or become well-known | |
explicit | adj: stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt | |
universal | adj: existing or affecting everywhere or everyone | |
shift | n: a slight transition in position, direction, or trend | |
priority | n: something that is more important than other things and should be dealt with first | |
straight | adj: extending or moving in one direction without bending or curving; having no deviations |